The need of flashback episodes?

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Post by Yukina_Raven » Wed Feb 25, 2004 7:30 pm

Arigatomyna wrote:The two 'flashback' episodes in Gundam Wing annoyed the heck out of me at the time - though they *did* include about 10 minutes total of new clips since it was almost entirely monologues retelling the anime. But that was only because I'd watched the anime from the beginning. I remembered *very* well exactly what happened in the previous episodes so I didn't need a reminder - I saw those episodes as filler and unnecessary. Now, I just skip them when I watch the series - I can see how they'd be useful to those who only caught a few eps or who came in late in the series.

One thing I would say for 'flashback' episodes - long anime like Inuyasha or YYH could use them. Although...from what I've seen of Inuyasha (about 100 eps) - a flashback wouldn't tell much since not much really happens in the separate episodes. I think you couold watch the first 10, skip 20 and watch the 31st episode without being lost. I did that when I first saw the anime - skipped and watched about every 10th episode and only once did I wonder who a new character was. YYH is different. It's shorter, but there is so much movement in the plot from episode to episode - and especially between each arc - that it would be easy to forget who people are and what all has happened so far. I wouldn't mind a flashback episode or two being added to that anime. I don't *need* one, but it wouldn't bother me. Then again, I have the anime, so I wouldn't be cursing the TV for playing a flashback episode after I waited over the weekend to see 'what happens next' - no disappointment.
The problem with Inu-Yasha, I'm afraid, is that they have flashbacks of things that happened five mintues ago. ^^; Also, there are a WHOLE lotta filler episodes. Like Ari said, you can skip some and still understand (sorta) what's going on.

I don't mind flash back episodes because they're needed (sometimes) but I don't watch them. :P


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