I actually have Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals It's suposed to be based on Final Fantasy V, but only loosely at best. It has basically none of the same characters, and an utterly different story. It's still fun to watch though.Zarxrax wrote:Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals was based on FF5 last I heard.HeartbreakerByZep wrote:I'd love to see Final Fantasy 6, 5, 4, or even 1 in anime form. I think it would work extremely well. Chrono Trigger also would probably work. Other than that I can't think of any.
And there was a Chrono Trigger short as well. Didn't do justice to the game at all though.
I don't know about the Chrono Trigger short, but one time on one of my DBZ fansubs after the episodes they had a bunch of Chrono Trigger animations, the kind of thing that would be used in a PSX version of Chrono Trigger (wasn't there on made?) but the funnest thing about it was hearing the music again.