what is the best anime of all time?

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Post by oldwrench » Sat May 22, 2004 6:52 pm

There are many great animes, but the greatest of all, I'm sure, is the one I haven't seen yet. That is why we keep watching. :)
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Post by Daio Kaji » Sun May 23, 2004 1:16 am

heartbreakerbyzep, i totally see what ur saying

i also really like the animation used in eva, it seems original and it works really well to tell the story through intensely serious parts and also intensely violent parts, the animation compliments every angle the show throws at you, and i don't think the budget really restricted them that much, i'm just saying it's not the best animation IMO when u compare to things that are known as standard good animation (ghost in the shell is probably the best example)

not perfect
but it's still great

kinda okay example of what i was saying, basically i couldn't find many examples of bad animation, but also when kaji talks... for sum reason it's from the side of his face, i guess it's suppose to be a cocky smile while he talks, so that's another example of not great animation, but it works... well
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Post by Bote » Sun May 23, 2004 4:34 am


I know it has flaws, but it shows how anime can really effect ones life. After watching it I was driven by some advices that Greato Onizuka gave to his students. It made me laugh, made me think myself and most of all it was unbelievably entertaining during the whole time. So far my favourite *bows*.
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Post by Farlo » Sun May 23, 2004 8:25 am

thread wrote:what is the best anime of all time?
ill tell you when time is over

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)v(ajin Koji
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Post by )v(ajin Koji » Sun May 23, 2004 10:20 am

bum wrote:sometimes the answer lies befween faq and memberlist
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Post by bort » Sun May 23, 2004 11:22 am

cowboy bebop - but only the episodes that center on spike.
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