When did the "yard" get added?Drawshot wrote:I'd force them to watch Graveyard of the Fireflies...

I use the same idea for people that call things immature. Such as... anime (Well of course! What else? Anime just seems to be the target of much prejudiceGatsthedarksword wrote:so who's more perverse? the guy who watches it and makes no big deal out of it cause sex is not something to be uptite or wierd about. or the people who when they hear the word sex imediatly get that sort of wierd atitude and just start thinking dirty thoughts, you know?
i wouldn't explain it like that if i were you but i know what you mean, it does seem like people want to just jusge something as "non-christian" or unethical and making it a topic you can't talk about like rape. so people like us who have seen it alot and always with a negative conotation and are comfortable with discusing it and other things like that say for instence sex. anime guys talk about sex calmly, and yeah they say bieng ok and calm with things like rape is what causes it, well some people say that. and i always tell them that from watching anime i learned that rape is one of the worse things i the world and any guy willing to do it deserves to die. you know? i don't seem to get that same stuff back from anime people, well my best friends agree with it but i hear alot of people who disbelieve that and don't strongly disagree with rape. i can't imagine that mind set but does anyone else who watch anime find that they are taught good morals by it rather than veing "desensitised and super violent behavior" cause they like to blame those school shootings on this stuff but i must say i learned the oposite from all the "violent images" i been watching since i was about 10. anyway i probably got way off topis and ranted my way into next week but i feel really strongly about this so i tend to get into it when it comes upAnime Jedi wrote: "What's more immature? The idea being called immature, or the person who calls it immature?" I hope you know what side I'm on.