Pluto isn't a planet anymore...

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Post by Lyrs » Sat Aug 26, 2006 2:49 pm

Adding is not always a good thing. Frankly, it's not something that should even matter.

Nevertheless, I commend the Original Poster for making an obvious OT Thread.
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feu demonio
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Post by feu demonio » Sat Aug 26, 2006 3:05 pm

pluto-the only REAL planet
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Post by AthenAltena » Sat Aug 26, 2006 4:18 pm

Dookstar wrote:I think they're all a bunch of lazy bastards. Instead of adding 2 more they take away one. Like mentioned before, whenever I have kids they're going to know the so called 9th planet as pluto.. then have some crazy ass teacher tellin me wrong. Pluto has land mass, and some how a ball of gas is allowed to be a planet?

Whats wrong with our society today -_-
The main reason they decided to reclassify them is because they're discovering even more objects like Pluto, and that means every time they discover a new one they'd have to change all the tables again. I saw an interview with one of the main guys involved in that decision (Neil deGrasse Tyson) and he said that we'd have to have 30 planets instead of 9 if we were to keep the current definition.

[Kalium: This thread is so far OT it's funny.]
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