HeartbreakerByZep wrote:J-0080 wrote:Maybe, Rei does have white hair....but she dyes it!
Yeah.... maybe if you live in...
(I don't.... but the fact that I've played that game probably destroys any credibility I once had.)
Daio Kaji - I guess we can come to an argeement of some type
Though I still cling to the beleif that Rei is in outstanding physical shape and has relatively normal skin color, not unlike my own. (Maybe I'm wrong about Rei's look, I usually see what I want to see) But as for her creation, I've been thus far unable to come to any conclusion about how she was actually created. People say her creation was a side-effect of trying to extract Yui's soul from 01, but that doesn't make sense to me, and I admit that I have very little comprehension about pretty much everyting regarding Yui & Eva-01. (Like, why would they try to extract her in the first place? How would that create a human being? I always assumed Rei was genetically altered to be perfect but... )
yeah 8) we can definately come to a sort of agreement, i never heard the creation story of Rei being what happened when they tried to extract Yui from Unit 01, but that would be completely made up since there is nothing in the series that leads us to believe they would try it.. except when Ritsuko came up with the idea of extracting Shinji from Unit 01 and reconstructing him a new body.. maybe she thought of it cause they tried it on Yui... but they wouldn't give her a baby girl body, so that explanation is no good right there
if she was perfect, she would be better able to pilot Unit 00... but she was atheletic (good swimmer) and actually, her combat skills were pretty good if you remember her fight with that Angel that could change it's shape (the one that started out as a ring that became a kinda snake-like Angel).. but i wouldn't call her perfect
i do have a picture on my computer with Asuka and Rei, and in the picture, Rei has a nice complextion, and Asuka is actually the one that looks paler... so it really does have to do with the lighting in the scene. How about i agree with you on this one, i see no reason why not to, Rei's complextion is actually a lot like a girl i work with... actually the girl i work with is even PALER!! ... but i still think she's hot of course 8)
final thought: Rei is not albino... she is quiet