Living in Japan just so you can learn to appreciate anime more...dwchang wrote:best is to well..learn japanese and hell...even live there and learn their culture (b/c of the references).
/much cynical laughter follows
earthcurrent wrote:Living in Japan just so you can learn to appreciate anime more...dwchang wrote:best is to well..learn japanese and hell...even live there and learn their culture (b/c of the references).
/much cynical laughter follows
Nah was just saying that was the best...I would never wanna do that. I actually wouldn't wanna live in japan at all, but I won't go into why....Maybe visit.earthcurrent wrote:Living in Japan just so you can learn to appreciate anime more...dwchang wrote:best is to well..learn japanese and hell...even live there and learn their culture (b/c of the references).
/much cynical laughter follows
it's funny how something so good can be so easily rurined by something as stupid as a bad dubbing dirrector. I still want to hear the dubbed version, i may find it humerous.Mroni wrote:nope love Hina and Urusei Yatsura are the worst dubs ever! Love hina is a psychological nightmare and is used to wage warfare against true Otaku by taking our beloved girls and giving them apeish voices 90% of which are done by the horrid dub toad wendee lee.
Go buy the spring special and listen to the dub actors sing the song in the middle it's horrid.Propyro wrote:it's funny how something so good can be so easily rurined by something as stupid as a bad dubbing dirrector. I still want to hear the dubbed version, i may find it humerous.Mroni wrote:nope love Hina and Urusei Yatsura are the worst dubs ever! Love hina is a psychological nightmare and is used to wage warfare against true Otaku by taking our beloved girls and giving them apeish voices 90% of which are done by the horrid dub toad wendee lee.
sixstop wrote:see, you're just looking at voice quality alone with those. In 'those obnoxious aliens' its dubtitled, and not too far from the original.
go see how messed up angel cop and a-ko1 are compared to the original.
like when B-ko in the dub says "we're going to have our own little superbowl," while wearing umpire gear and giving 3rd base coach hand gestures. . . .
I think the new dub sucked, they sounded like a bunch of dislexic (sp?) children trying to pronounce their own names o.Odwchang wrote:Over the newly remastered thingy? O_o Wow. k...retract..modified commentKracus wrote:I disagree, I mention this in the other thread. I liked the first version.dwchang wrote: -Akira (1st version) - I don't think anyone (accenpt Kracus) will disagree.