Animatrix ur thoughts

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Post by TheRealNeoHentaiMaster » Wed Jul 30, 2003 5:29 pm

Sporkmaster wrote:The the real world is simply another martix?
No. I am 100 percent sure that is not it.

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Post by Bebop0083 » Wed Jul 30, 2003 6:40 pm

damn it this thread is supposed to be dead.

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Post by Sporkmaster » Wed Jul 30, 2003 6:45 pm

Here is a part from a conversation on that.
You've all missed the most important thing that the brothers Waz tried to impart in the movie. Morpheus said already there is no such thing as coincidence. That is written in stone for the matrix. Everything has a reason for existing in the matrix.

Now, keeping that in mind ask yourself the likelyhood that Neo would know the result of an event that came about only because of an accident in the real world.

That being had a faulty walkway not killed a controller in a hovership Trinity would have never entered the Matrix. So if the programs can effect chance in the matrix to bring about events like the prophecies and such....and then an event in the real world causes a prophecy to be fulfilled. What does that tell us about the real world?

That'll tell you how Neo shut down the Sentinels. As well as why there are 6 Zions and no one knows about the other 5 preceding ones.
Zion is not freedom; rather, it's just another Matrix. The Architect talked about how his first Matrix, the perfect one, was rejected. His later revisions were accepted by most people, but some still rejected it. I think they rejected the later versions for the same reason everyone rejected the first version: too perfect. So they created Zion, another Matrix, as a sort of "trash collector." They harvest all of the dissidents into another Matrix, let them think that life sucks and that they're all persecuted, and then kill 'em off every few years when they've reached critical mass.

This answers a few questions, and asks a few. First, why don't the machines just kill dissenters immediately? A few reasons: they can still suck out their life juices while they're plugged into Zion, the alternate Matrix. And secondly, and perhaps more imporantly, the soi-disant dissidents act as trash collecters on their own. Morpheus, for instance, rooted out Neo (and countless other rejectors of the system) so that the machines didn't have to do it. Every dissident they collect gets spawned off into its own trash-collecting process. Zion is basically a branching-tree algorithm for weeding out the chaff. In this way, Morpheus is quite similar to Agent Smith v. 2.0: when he meets someone and gives them the pill, he converts them to his side. Then, the new convert goes out and gets more converts, etc.

Second, what's with the two doors? If Neo doesn't re-seed Zion, then there will be no dissidents to restart the trash-collection process. (A tree needs a super-parent node; Neo was asked to choose the first 21 (right?) parent nodes.) The Matrix could create some sort of program (like the Oracle) to introduce the concept of dissidence against the Matrix, but then they'd also have to populate the Zion Matrix with programs. Remember, every program created takes energy from the system; every person kept alive contributes energy.

Third, the two pills in the first movie. Obviously, those were code, not physical, which begs the question: how were they created? They must have been created by the machines. Basically, the red pill was just a "move" command: from the main Matrix to the Zion Matrix.

Finally, Neo's Sentinel trick. He's just discovered that Zion is another Matrix and that he can control it -- to a limited degree -- like he can control the main Matrix. It'll take him a while to perfect his skills, but I expect to see him kicking some serious Sentinel ass in the next movie.
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Post by TheRealNeoHentaiMaster » Wed Jul 30, 2003 7:08 pm

psst....the machines lost the war.....the matrix isnt "the wool that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth", its that black sky.

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Post by Sporkmaster » Wed Jul 30, 2003 9:18 pm

How did you reach that conclusion?
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Post by Daio Kaji » Thu Jul 31, 2003 12:34 am

man, i came up with that same conclusion, but i didn't think it was just Zion, i thought it was the entire 'real world', i didn't come up wit it until Neo stopped that Sentinel, then it all made sense that the matrix inside a matrix (or next to it or whatever) would help make the unstable humans think they're free and stop being anamolies in the main matrix

..but about the animatrix
yuppa wrote:I LOVE IT!! All Except the ones done by the guy who did aeon Flux. Oh and the HUMANS DESERVED WHAT THEY GOT!! :twisted: The humans were being Too cruel to live anymore. :twisted:
this is pretty much how i feel

(favorite) Program- i loved that animation style and the character depth, plus, that was an awesome program

World Record- for one, i liked the animation style, and it was cool to see a for the most part normal human going past the boundaries of the matrix and waking up without being unplugged by sumone, and yes, the way the agent yelled "Siiiit Dooooowwwwn!!!" heh heh, it reminded me of Agent Smith, maybe it was him, can't remember, the matrix did it's job well that time, or rather, it didn't fail is all

Beyond- it's a good thing to not always have the same dark animation in every anime, so i liked this animation as well, very clean. it's also a good thing that they showed the matrix through the view of normal people and through 'a child's eyes.' it was good to see that not every anamoly that occurs wins against the matrix, the matrix is a powerful thing and it's cool to see it do chores :lol:

A Detective's Story- classic...classic american, but still classic

Not So Good:
Matriculated- i don't like that style of animation (Aeon Flux i didn't like either) yes it's smooth, but the people have like 0% body fat, even the fat people (if there happens to be any fat person there anyways) and at times, they get too fruity, i know they were just trying to get the attention of that Runner, but still, geeez. Anyways, the animation makes me think of that 'squuiish' sound for sum reason, kinda sik

Final Flight of the Osiris- it was cool because yes, Squaresoft made a cool cg with great detail, and the action was cool, real matrixy, but it was just to serve as the kinda initiator to start the final attack/counter attack of the humans, we just needed to see the Osiris that was talked about to get all the info. Plus it's good to realize that Neo and Morpheus are not the only people that can do outstanding feats, there are more people that are in tune with the matrix, not just the crew of the Neb (this illusion was probably only in my mind)

The Second Renaissance- like the Osiris, it was there to 'show' us rather than 'tell' us, but the difference is that TSR shows how it all started, not just the final attack, and if u ask me, TSR looks like sumthing that would actually happen

Kid's Story- Just exlains what the hell that kid was talking about when he kept saying that Neo saved him, and what neo was talking about when he said that the Kid Saved himself, closure, that's all


Matrix- no real opinion, reminds me of good action anime in bad-ass style animation and just enough story line to get you to keep watching

Matrix Reloaded- i think by it's self and even with the matrix, it suked outloud, it only works as an episode because it just gives u a better feel that the matrix is a program, and like any program, is subject to anamolies and erros and bugs and hackers (or so we're led to think). All just buildup to Matrix Revolutions

Enter The Matrix- cool, also good only in conjuction with everything else
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Post by TheRealNeoHentaiMaster » Thu Jul 31, 2003 5:16 am

ITS NOT A MATRIX IN A MATRIX....Geeze..none of you "came up" with that, its just the red hairing they kinda throw you at the end, its too obvious an answer so it cant be it. Id tell you what I think, but im so sure its right, I dont want to ruin it for everyone, since apparently its gonna be a big shocker.

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Post by kthulhu » Thu Jul 31, 2003 6:18 am

In the Animatrix TSR episodes, there seems to be some sort of symbolism to the apple. The 01 UN delegates in the first episode had one, and in the second one the giant machine demanding the surrender of the humans has one, too.

Any ideas?
I'm out...


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