weapon preferance

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Post by CaTaClYsM » Tue Aug 20, 2002 6:09 pm

again, the best wepon ever isn't even in an anime, its the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioc.

O lord, Bleseth thy hand grenade, that with it thou may blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in the mercy.

But if it had to be anime, melee combat is still my fav.
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Post by klinky » Tue Aug 20, 2002 6:34 pm

Guns beat the shit out of

Staffs, sticks, swords, spells, punches, kicks, chops or beams... blah

I am okay about swords if it's realistic. You put a guy with a good gun vs a guy with a good sword and the guy with the gun is going to win, no contest.

The sword has a range of like 3 - 6 feet (sword length + attackers arm length). Guns can go for up to a couple hundred yards, possibly farther. Someone with good aim could take out a whole troupe of sword weilding idiots.. moi hahha.


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Post by The HentaiMaster » Tue Aug 20, 2002 7:13 pm

swords cose the way u have to master it for me killing with a sword it's a art . i would like to have 2 katanas(wich i will have soon)

but swords are the key to a perfect murder hehehe :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Post by RyanGlazner » Tue Aug 20, 2002 8:03 pm

R-A-N-M-A wrote:
RyanGlazner wrote: Yeah, swords are hard to use (limited experience), but my point was that people were making guns sound really easy.. like "just point and pull trigger, right? "
The same could be said for swords "The pointy end goes into the other man".
I know that it can be applied to swords as well. I wasn't saying that guns or swords were easy. I was just saying that people were making guns sound a lot easier than they really are. The quote at the end of mine was supposed to be sarcasm.

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Post by R-A-N-M-A » Tue Aug 20, 2002 10:27 pm

O okay.

I guess also that the same could be said about hand to hand combat also.

As demonstrated here: Fist + :) (head) = Oww :(

Or feet: Foot + Head (No the other head) = :shock: Hi I am a smurf

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Post by R-A-N-M-A » Tue Aug 20, 2002 11:19 pm

CaTaClYsM wrote:again, the best wepon ever isn't even in an anime, its the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioc.

O lord, Bleseth thy hand grenade, that with it thou may blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in the mercy.
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Post by LongShot » Wed Aug 21, 2002 12:13 am

To me, the Scythe is the best weapon of all. 8)
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Post by paizuri » Wed Aug 21, 2002 9:38 am

I prefer using my rapier wit! :roll:
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Post by Beef » Wed Aug 21, 2002 9:59 am

Digital_Dojo wrote:What about giant mech animes? Or are they not the type of weapons you are talking about?

Forget the gun or knife, give me an Eva unit anyday... :lol:

Dam right ^_^
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Post by artfreak13 » Wed Aug 21, 2002 10:05 am

that and some long lasting batteries
AOL discs.... just chuck 'em


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