trythil wrote:Actually, it's student money that everything is being paid with (part of each student's tuition goes towards the student activities budget).
The Society constitution does state that if the club is ever dissolved, then all "animation material shall be donated to the Humanities Department Japanese Archive". So I guess that since we (i.e. the student body) have the right to choose where to donate these things, we retain the right of ownership.
I read through your club's consititution. However, you have to remember that your club is not representative of the student body as a whole, merely a part of it. The way your library is set up might land your club in trouble with your school's regulations. When student fees are used, in most instances, the items or services being purchased must be used or available to the student body "as a whole" and not by selective membership to a specific student organization or function.
Therefore, if you are using student fees to purchase DVDs, those DVDs should be open and available to the entire student body, even if they aren't members of your club. If a student ever wanted to borrow something from your library and was denied because s/he wasn't a member or because s/he didn't fit the criterea that has been established, s/he'd have a pretty strong case to file a complaint against your club with the school. All it takes is one complaint from someone who doesn't like the way things work (even another student organization). And this of course, could cause a loss in funding to your club in the future.
I strongly recommend raising this issue with your club's officers. Have them talk to your club's advisor as well as to your school's Student Activities director (or whomever is in charge of student organizations), and find out how your schools regulations operate
specifically in this regard. It might be that you'll need to amend your constitution.
If this issue is not accuratly reflective of your school's policies and regulations, I'm pretty surprised.