Dear Fansubbers,
- DJ_Izumi
- Joined: Wed Oct 03, 2001 8:29 am
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This is true as well. However, the more walls you put in the way, the more problematic the theft will become for the bootleggers. While it may not stop the problem, it can hinder it.
I mean geez, the original CSS crack that the norwegian kid got in trouble for wasn't even his own work. He didn't actually crack CSS, he aquired stolen keys and simply developed a method to unlock CSS content using the keys.
I mean geez, the original CSS crack that the norwegian kid got in trouble for wasn't even his own work. He didn't actually crack CSS, he aquired stolen keys and simply developed a method to unlock CSS content using the keys.
- koronoru
- Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2002 10:03 am
- Location: Waterloo, Ontario
The fundamental laws of computer science make it impossible for such a system to be foolproof. Container formats are just ones and zeros. The file might contain ones and zeros that someone wants to say mean "don't play this without permission", but someone else is free to ignore those. You can encode instructions into the file saying "Don't play this after the show is released, and don't ignore this instruction, really, we mean it!" but you still can't force the playing software to obey. I happen to think that it's a good thing the universe works that way; some other people think it's a bad thing; but it doesn't matter whether we like it or not, because it's as unchangeable as 2+2=4. Self-destructing file formats just aren't possible. They can't be a solution to anything because they will never happen. Self-destructing file formats are like perpetual motion machines: sure, lots of people claim to have them, but under closer scrutiny it turns out that it doesn't quite work yet, and they claim they will have it working "real soon now" if you just give them a bit more venture capital. Suggesting that self-destructing file formats will solve the copyright problem is like saying that perpetual motion machines will solve the fossil fuels problem.DJ_Izumi wrote:Solution: Fansubs need some method to 'self-distruct'. Similar to the classic Best-Buy DivX DVD players. A DVD that you paid to watch each time, or could pay a higher fee to unlock the disk for unlimited viewing. (DivX the pay-per-view disk system, NOT The Mpeg-4 based video compression.) Perhapps a variant on common video containers that upon playback, the file requires the viewer to search online to see if the file has 'expired' yet. If it's expired, it won't playback.
Where's danielwang? I've got a job for him...
- Tenken
- Joined: Mon Oct 07, 2002 2:16 pm
We wouldn't need such a system if people actually had morals.
-"um, I heard that show got licensed."
FJ: "NOO!!!"
-"why are you upset? You can get dvds now!
FJ: "BUT I have to PAY FOR THEM!! X_X"
-"yeah, you're a die-hard fan alright..."
It's bad enough when people complain about domestic dvds, but it's just sad when they complain about fansubs. Personally, I long for the days of just dialogue translations and no effects. Fansubs shouldn't be made to keep.
-"um, I heard that show got licensed."
FJ: "NOO!!!"
-"why are you upset? You can get dvds now!

FJ: "BUT I have to PAY FOR THEM!! X_X"
-"yeah, you're a die-hard fan alright..."
It's bad enough when people complain about domestic dvds, but it's just sad when they complain about fansubs. Personally, I long for the days of just dialogue translations and no effects. Fansubs shouldn't be made to keep.
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My .ORG profile: ... r_id=45648
- Otohiko
- Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 8:32 pm
We needs to edjeecate consumer whores!
As for the fansub question - bah meh. Come on people. Shouldn't you be happy? This is a blessing. Think! Oh, how many cases of "OMG I'll learn Japanese and go to Japan because they have anime on TV!!!" have we been spared thanks to the miracles of... enthusiast subtitling?
And, in general, I still see a point in bying DVD's, so fansubs, if at all, are a very cheap, ghetto, too-broke-to-get-DVD-now substitute that only works until I get the real thing.

As for the fansub question - bah meh. Come on people. Shouldn't you be happy? This is a blessing. Think! Oh, how many cases of "OMG I'll learn Japanese and go to Japan because they have anime on TV!!!" have we been spared thanks to the miracles of... enthusiast subtitling?
And, in general, I still see a point in bying DVD's, so fansubs, if at all, are a very cheap, ghetto, too-broke-to-get-DVD-now substitute that only works until I get the real thing.
The Birds are using humanity in order to throw something terrifying at this green pig. And then what happens to us all later, that’s simply not important to them…
- J-0080
- Joined: Thu May 01, 2003 7:37 pm
- Location: Mid-West Side Laying On: Fangirls
I think one of the reason i don't watch fansubs is because I'm to lazy to download them, its just so much simplier to buy the DVDs......and fansubs don't have the dubs, otherwise they'd be fandubs and would probablly suck really, really bad.
paizuri wrote:There's also no need for introductions because we're generally a friendly bunch and will welcome you with wide open arms anyway.
- dokidoki
- c0d3 m0nk3y
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Speaking of patience, I like how one site had to point out that Naruto didn't air last week in Japan, so there'd be no online release until this week at least.EarthCurrent wrote:Actually, what we need are fans with the patience to demand and then wait for domestic releases.

Funnier, though, was their response to queries about another series:
"Conclusion: Have some PATIENCE. Now shut up."
- Maximo
- Joined: Sat May 04, 2002 10:55 pm
- Location: Detroit, Michigan
dokidoki wrote:Speaking of patience, I like how one site had to point out that Naruto didn't air last week in Japan, so there'd be no online release until this week at least.EarthCurrent wrote:Actually, what we need are fans with the patience to demand and then wait for domestic releases.
Funnier, though, was their response to queries about another series:
"Conclusion: Have some PATIENCE. Now shut up."
Damn, they better hurry up i want ep 65!
oh and speaking of Naruto, imaginr how long that will take to get liscenced and released over here, if it even does.
- Hitori
- Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2002 1:10 am
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- DJ_Izumi
- Joined: Wed Oct 03, 2001 8:29 am
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- Trident
- Joined: Sun Aug 31, 2003 4:19 pm
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Our whole culture is freaking impatient (myself included, of course). I blame the internet--we have access to how much stuff, and while sometimes it requires some waiting and sifting to get the right information or whatnot, or while downloading, say, eps may take several hours depending on the connection, our parents were right--we're a very spoiled generation with the concept of instant gratification deeply ingrained in our heads.
So EC, tell us about the days of VHS fansubs...
So EC, tell us about the days of VHS fansubs...
"The dice of love are madness and turmoil."--Anakreon