inuyashaguru wrote:i'd have to say kenshin originally, but then i saw samurai x and don't get mewrong i still love kenshin but..... prolly a spoiler if you ahven't seem samurai x, jsut a warning better safe than sorry,... anyhow kenshin keeps leaving karou even after she has his baby, i mean for pete's sake man stick around, but he's still hot, and i still love his dedication to care for ppl and defend the ones he loves and is absolutly awesome when he goes into manslayer mode, otherwise sano is is really hot and awesome as well, he always gets up while figting no matter what he keeps getting up, that is stellar my friends
...yah gurl i know what you mean! we talked about this after the movie when you made me stay up till all hours of the nite and have to get up early the nxt day! =P but yes you know i totally agree with you.. why dont you stick around with your wify pooh and your son... hello! as your master put it perfect kenshin... "stupid student." oh and the last time he left he really had no reason to. *sigh boys! hehe i think i like sano the best cause lets face it, hes soo damn sexy and hes tough. plus he doesnt leave for no reasons! hes loyal to his friends even though they do not know it. and thats the end to that!