1. How does it ruin for everyone else? I bitch I whine but I don't take it to the ears of the company or anything.Castor Troy wrote: Anime being licensed is not the problem, CN editing stuff is not the problem. It's fanboys like you who throw a freakin' hissy fit over stuff like this who are the problem. If you can get your head out of your ass for one second, then you should realize that companies are doing this for YOU. It's elitist fanboys like you who bitch about every anime that reaches american shores and ruins it for the rest of us.
1. As I said an assumption, nope not all licensed anime sucks and i'm not a "Fanboy Elitest" as you say titles me I'm just pissed because a show got licensed before I was able to finish dling all of its episodes...theres nothing wrong with that. Its natural for people to bitch and whine which you are doing to me so shush.If you hate the dub track so much, then go listen to the sub track. It's that simple. Most anime nowadays that is being licensed is being released has both japanese and english tracks. Nobody's forcing you to watch the english track so why bother complaining? It's not the end of the world when an anime is licensed... oh, I forgot, it's the end of your little elitist world where all licensed anime sucks.
1. Yes I am pissed that fansubbers have to stop! >.<You're probably pissed that a show that you haven't paid for is being licensed and that fansubbers have to stop right in the middle of the series when this cool part is just starting to happen. It's not the anime companies' fault that you think you're going to die the next day and that you think you have a short ticker and may never get to see that episode you missed. Well start getting used to it and wait.
2. Yes it is they licensed and although I can live with it I can still get pissed its my right to get pissed you don't have to read my posts or this thread if you don't want to.
3. I can wait.
1. Nope I like most licensed anime actually...there are alot of good dubs out there.You probably think it's the cool thing to hate all licensed anime and think you're part of some cool anime group. I'm sorry but WE HATE YOU. Other anime fans who just want to enjoy their shows hate you pricks for ruining everything for us. There are some of us who are actually patient enough and want to watch anime on our DVD players with our surround sound systems as opposed to watching stuff on our computers.
2. who's we? and why actually? I haven't done anything...I've just bitched and whine in this thread and put ah "FANimation kills my innerchild" quote in my sig.
3 oh ho trying to get high and mighty with you expensive surround sound systems are ye? That just makes you look more like an ass. I can wait for the DVDs to come out in America but from what others have sad that could be a long time.
1. oh hoh I think this whole paragraph here was unnessacery(however you spell it) and yes I will continue to bitch but in awhile I will settle down though.As much as I'd like for you elitist fanboys to go back into the hole you crawled out from, I encourage you to keep bitching. I get so much entertainment watching you pathetic losers whine like crybabies over licensed anime. I love the fact that there is a whiny group of losers that I can laugh at all the time. Not only do I get to enjoy the new show that has just been licensed, I get to laugh at all the morons bitching. Priceless.
1. Very true I just hope they don't ruin it when they bring it to TV is all...nothings wrong with that.God will bring us the perfect day when Naruto finally gets licensed here. On the 8th day, God has licensed Naruto. It will be both beautiful and apocalyptic at the same time. The best part is that we have no idea when it will happen and it can happen at anytime but the fact is that it will be inevitable!
1. I haven't started violent acts O_o I've just talked to some other of my buddies about it...lol and you can't anjoy Naruto yet, it may be a long time coming seeing as there will be over 200+ episodes. I do watch anime! I just bitch at the same time! Its called multitasking ^^.While you fanboys start causing violent acts around your neighborhood over the licensing of Naruto, I will be enjoying my nice shiny new Naruto DVD with my surround sound system. Why not put all of that energy into actually watching anime instead of bitching about it?
In the end...
Just let me enjoy my damn show.
2. Oh and I'm sorry that by you posting and bitching and whining at us ruins your damn show I truly am.