Bah. I had to try, anyway.android21 wrote:El Banana wrote:But then this thread would be awfully lonely.
Yeah just lok hoe not full of DBZ fans it is. 8)
And I think you should uncheck the "Disable BBCode in this post" box.
Alex_Dragon wrote: Seriously this thread has been done countles times before just like all the others you have created.Why people never stop beating dead horses is beyond me.
You people are impossible to please. Suppose he went to one of these "countless threads" and posted a relpy. Many of the forum "elite" and probably you would come in and bitch about necroposting. Why don't you get off your fucking high horse already. If you don't like people making new threads because it's been done, don't post in them. They'll die, and then you can go on your merry way. But this makes me think, it seems to be the DBZ and Inuyasha posts that are tagged as "old" or "redundant", but if it is a widely popular anime to the forum, hell, let's make thousands of the same post on the first page, and no one bitches. Try looking. You'll see what I mean.Alex_Dragon wrote: Seriously this thread has been done countles times before just like all the others you have created.Why people never stop beating dead horses is beyond me.