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it sucks

Post by cilu » Mon Jul 12, 2004 6:06 pm

No offense but the story it's kinda boring, like been there done that. And the names, did you randomly chose them or you really thought about them. They sound silly, and obviously made up, not natural. Yhe viewers need some names that they remeber. Who the hell memorises those names. Try something like spike, ed, kenshi and so on ( not those but easier to remember). Once again don't get upset by this, i think you put a lot of work into it, but if i were you. which i'm not, i'd drop this story. It's plain silly.
But than again, we've all seen animes with silly stories right?
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Re: it sucks

Post by krzT » Mon Jul 12, 2004 7:13 pm

cilu wrote:No offense but the story it's kinda boring, like been there done that. And the names, did you randomly chose them or you really thought about them. They sound silly, and obviously made up, not natural.
i definitely agree.
An anime takes so much more planning than what it seems that you have here. And honestly, I don't think your year and a half of planning is enough. If you really want this made into an anime, you need to think deeper than shallow romances and blowing up schools. Creating ANY type of story takes a great deal of time and thought. Just look at Miyazaki. It takes him ages to create new ideas for movies [not even series] and he's a freaking genius!
You can't just spontaneously say "and she falls in love with him...." Why does she fall in love with him? How does she react to her feelings? How does he feel about her? What consequences are created because of their love? I don't see any of that here. It looks just like random fairytale fiction to me...and no offense...but nothing special.

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Post by jasper-isis » Mon Jul 12, 2004 7:13 pm

I'm assuming from your posts that you're on the younger side of the age range of this site. The best thing to do would be to wait a year or two. Yes, you heard me right. Sit on the idea for a few years. Maybe make some sketches, but don't do anything drastic or get ahead of yourself. Then when you're a bit more mature, you can look back on the story and decide whether it REALLY is worth your troubles.

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Post by someperson » Tue Jul 13, 2004 1:25 am

True, that's probably the best thing to do. Your personality, tastes, and view on life and situations in general can change a lot (reminicing: I know I changed a lot from when I was 14). If you let your ideas sit for a while, then it will be easier to find the flaws in them when you decide to get back to writing your story. At least that's how it is when I draw.
Meaningless babble about my scribbles wrote:I usually sketch or start drawing a character or something, then I'll flip the paper over and leave the drawing alone (sometimes hours, sometimes days) then when I pick up the drawing again I can pick out the flaws and fix it. Great story huh?
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Post by AMVfreak » Tue Jul 13, 2004 4:27 am

You have any screen caps to show us?
I want to see how good you are at drawing
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Post by android21 » Tue Jul 13, 2004 7:56 am

Jasper-Isis wrote:I'm assuming from your posts that you're on the younger side of the age range of this site. The best thing to do would be to wait a year or two. Yes, you heard me right. Sit on the idea for a few years. Maybe make some sketches, but don't do anything drastic or get ahead of yourself. Then when you're a bit more mature, you can look back on the story and decide whether it REALLY is worth your troubles.

i don't do young. Age 14 Number of years i've been on thin story:3
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Post by android21 » Tue Jul 13, 2004 7:58 am

AMVfreak wrote:You have any screen caps to show us?
I want to see how good you are at drawing
How do you put screencaps? I Have a scanner but i don't know how to Put them on this page... Please help.
if it kicks ass i like it.
if it gets someone else to kick ass for it i love it.:)

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Post by jasper-isis » Tue Jul 13, 2004 9:27 am

android21 wrote:
AMVfreak wrote:You have any screen caps to show us?
I want to see how good you are at drawing
How do you put screencaps? I Have a scanner but i don't know how to Put them on this page... Please help.
See that's the problem. You're gonna need a LOT more experience with these things if you wanna succeed. You have to be ready to present yourself and your project in the most appealing way.

When you have your pictures scanned and compressed to a reasonable size, find a web server that can host them. Build a webpage for your story universe. Then give us a link. Give us something more than just a vague story. Instead of aiming to make this into an anime, focus on building a fandom for your idea both online and off-line. The fans could include friends and famlily, then gradually spread to people you don't know, as your website gains more popularity. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this how the burgeoning Megatokyo was started?

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Post by android21 » Tue Jul 13, 2004 4:46 pm

I don't have any money.. will a MSN group do?
if it kicks ass i like it.
if it gets someone else to kick ass for it i love it.:)

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Post by GMM2005 » Tue Jul 13, 2004 7:40 pm

make the damn thing, and see if you can play it in a convention or something. hopefully someone will like it and talk to you about it.
Shitty sig... i should make another one >_<


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