Kajino Rei wrote:
At least we sound older...much older.
Like we're in out 50's but really we're probably in our 20's, just very wise.
20's, and just barely at that...
An amusing fact is that my posting style has been hugely influenced by my experience on a board with an average age of about 40~45. The irony here is that I retired from regular posting there because I felt I wasn't 'deep', 'intelligent' or 'experienced' enough to keep up with the discussion there.
And then you get here, and the average age goes down to, well, 16-17 in GA I assume (I'm sure it's quite a bit higher in the more AMV-specialized sections)...
Concerning the original poster's subject...
As for the whole 'fear of sex' thing, or whatever you may call it - there's an interesting issue to explore creatively for you. In fact, it could be interesting as a push-off point for some of the character-development in the story right there (except... trust me... if you start thinking about it too much, I'm willing to bet that abstinant view of yours might well change). I'm sure with all this talk of sex everywhere, something about non-sex might seem refreshing.

The Birds are using humanity in order to throw something terrifying at this green pig. And then what happens to us all later, that’s simply not important to them…