Ryoko! Anything and Everything! [Mainly Screencaps]

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Post by KiyoNagi » Tue Jul 27, 2004 7:13 pm

Yea.. that's what I was thinking.. but then remember.. Washu was a goddess.. but according to some history, she chose to live as a 'normal' person, and erase her memories of being a goddess.. hence why Tokimi wants to see her so bad! Lol.. oh... and Tsunami is also a goddess..

All three are sisters, annnndd.. that's going off subject!
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Post by Vlad86 » Wed Jul 28, 2004 4:49 am

All this talk of Tenchi makes me want to spend unhealthy amounts of cash on the Tenchi series. (well except Tenchi in Tokyo...didn't like that one. Just wasn't "Tenchi-ish" enough. Also, was GXP any good, or will I still be longing for the original characters?(what makes Tenchi Tenchi))

Oh, I've also seen the first three eps of the new OVA. It rocks. Big time.

Hmmmmmm.......OVA 3 screenies anyone? (I'll get on it when time permits)
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Post by KiyoNagi » Wed Jul 28, 2004 7:09 am

From what I've gathered, GXP is interesting, but I don't have enough on it to really say whether or not it's worth it or not.. but I'll end up getting it anyway, because I'm a Tenchi fan.. so.. heh.. whatever, right?

Oh yea, and if anyone has screen caps, or pictures in general about Ryoko! Like the yellow sticky note, Post-It!

Washu ones are nice, too.. but they might get the thread locked.. so get Washu/Ryoko ones.. XD
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Post by OzzieArcane » Wed Jul 28, 2004 9:26 am

From a preview I've seen of GXP, the original cast of characters do make a cameo appearance for an episode or so. I still think the most enjoyable of the Tenchi series are the Magical Girl Pretty Sammy stuff and the first two movies. I like the Tenchi OVA better then the TV series with the exception of no Kiyone. I agree with Vlad though, I have no interest in Tenchi in Tokyo and the 3rd movie even though I have it... sucked.

To keep with the flow of random images, here's something for the Ayeka fans who stumbled into this thread.


Ya know in this outfit, she almost looks cool.
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Post by Coffee 54 » Wed Jul 28, 2004 11:28 am

OzzieArcane wrote:I like the Tenchi OVA better then the TV series with the exception of no Kiyone. I agree with Vlad though, I have no interest in Tenchi in Tokyo and the 3rd movie even though I have it... sucked.

To keep with the flow of random images, here's something for the Ayeka fans who stumbled into this thread.


Ya know in this outfit, she almost looks cool.
Thanks, I appreciate it. Also, I agree with everything said up to this point about Tenchi in Tokyo, didn't much care for that one. And what you mean kinda?

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Post by KiyoNagi » Wed Jul 28, 2004 2:28 pm

None-the-less, Ayeka is evil in my mind, and I had a bad experience with one in my early RP days... playing as Tenchi, I was always bombarded with requests by a Nympho Ayeka.. whom.. eventually got to me and I couldn't escape.. evil Ayekas... and plus I was tormented by Misaki!! Arrr.. I hates Juraians!!...

And I loves Ryoko! ^^

Alright, well, get some more pictures, everybody!!
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Post by OzzieArcane » Wed Jul 28, 2004 3:21 pm

Ayeka is quite literally evil in Magical Project S, but as for hating Jurains... How can you hate Sasami? I'd post a cute picture of her to provide pressure but I just woke up and I'm too lazy right now.
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Post by KiyoNagi » Wed Jul 28, 2004 3:28 pm

Sasami is one of those, not exactly hate as much as thoroughly dislike.. but Juraians are proud, and arrogant.. it makes me mad.. rrr... r.. I mean.. in GXP, the Devil Princess screws with Tenchi and Seina's affairs.. >>.. Yosho, aside from being a pervert, seems to be the only one divert of this... and Funaho.. actually.. nevermind.. Funaho is an earthling.. x-x... but we're going off topic, and I don't want this thread locked!! Arrr..

Eat Juraians! ><...
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Post by Vlad86 » Wed Jul 28, 2004 8:06 pm


OVA 3 screenies!!


Aww she's asleep. On the rafter...


Well there's a happy face in the morning.


Too funny to pass up. "ooops!" Stew of roast cabbit......


So....I thought you'd all like to see Ryoko dragging Mihoshi down the stair case. Apparently, Mihoshi wasn't moving fast enough....


Group shot time! Yes, Ryoko is still dragging Mihoshi.



Flashback! (yes these are in OVA 3)


"Hey what's that over there!?"


I like the cool afterglow streak her sword leaves.
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Post by KiyoNagi » Wed Jul 28, 2004 8:10 pm

Those are pretty cool pics! Lol.. keep up the good work, I'll get Ryoko pics eventually.. but right now I'm focusing on the sexy pic forum.. (which is turning out nicely, I might add.. I'm getting some cool compliments)

"Gah?! What are you doing here Ryoko?!"
"I came to be naked with YOU Tenchi!"
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