Anime Clubs?

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Post by SonKitty » Fri Oct 15, 2004 11:59 am

GMDanish wrote:Ya I am one of the Club leaders at UWO. Its kinda sad that most of the people who attend the club other then us executives dont even go to the college.

Any one know of any good ways of recruiting people for your clubs?

What times have worked well for your club? Our is on Saturdays 6:00 - 9:00 pm

O and one of our cardinal rules is that we dont watch anything thats been on TV.
Well, I think a lot of it depends on your situation. Our club is city-based instead of school-based. We've actually gained a couple of members sheerly from the fact that they shopped at the same comic book store where we hold our meetings and happened to see what we were up to. Also, we were lucky enough to have one of our former members (who may be rejoining soon) be an excellent recruiter by spreading word about the club to many people. I found the club I'm in through Anipike some years ago, and people can still find us that way now too.

We have small business cards with the club logo to pass out to people if we meet them too. I ran out and have been meaning to see if we have any more in our inventory. We put these cards with our little stuffed hammers we sold at A-kon. That's another place we spread the word about our existence.

Our regular meetings are held the second Sunday of every month from 11 AM - 6 PM at a local comic book store. The 11 AM is too early for a lot of people, but the places closes at 6 so tough luck for us. Recently, more members have been willing to arrive at the time, so it's alright. If I could change it a little, I'd rather have the meetings held something like 2 - 8 or 9 PM on Sundays. The extended Saturday meetings other people hold are on Saturday nights, about 8-10 PM.

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Post by Trunksgirl07 » Mon Oct 18, 2004 11:24 am

Yeah, I think some people don't actually want to wake up that early but it's a CLUB, so they should just deal with it. I guess it would depend on the situation. My club is school-based so we only get to meet from 3:15-6p.m. It's not much time but that'll work...for now.

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Post by bubblehead » Mon Oct 18, 2004 11:44 pm

Moonlight Soldier wrote:Be sure to show a variety of shows. At mine, they vary the genres, so you get a little bit of everything ^_^

A lot of people like to draw and chill and play video games during the breaks as well.

We have two meetings a week, each long enough to show one episode, and ALL WE SHOW IS HELLSING! I founded the **** club, and I don't like the show! I've tried to say we should show something else instead of or in addition to Hellsing, but my opinion doesn't hold much weight with most of the members, especially since 80-90% of them are by now fairly die-hard Hellsing fans... they love the blood. It's scary.

As far as I'm concerned, there are only two upsides to this: eventually we will run out of Hellsing to show, and in May a bunch of us are going to Fanime together... as long as we don't spend the whole time talking about Hellsing, it'll be pretty cool. If the fans do, I'll just run off by myself with the one person in club who likes Hellsing even less than I do, and we'll go watch Fruits Basket or something.

I'd LIKE to actually show AMVs... Zim is okay, Red vs Blue and GI Joe are funny, but most of the time I prefer AMVs and that's the other stuff we watch instead. I'd also like to see shows I like, but for most of the club members, blood>character development :?

Okay, I'm done with my mini-rant.

-bubble out
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Post by dokool » Tue Oct 19, 2004 7:59 am

Well, I started the (wildly successful, at least by my school's standards) anime club at my school, and I co hosted the 'So You Want To Start An Anime Club?' panel with a few good friends at AB2004, so I can speak with some authority on this. Furthermore if anyone has questions regarding this they can contact me through AIM/Email/Etc (through the buttons below my post, of course).

<b>Trunksgirl07</b> - Good luck and god save you. However, the fact that you're President-and-everything-else concerns me, as I was pretty much the same thing. It's a bad idea. DELEGATE. Get officers to help do stuff like put up posters. It'll save you time and angst.

Also, I agree with what everyone else says regarding not showing Cartoon Network anime.

At my club, we showed the first disc of a different show each week, which gave club members a lot of variety (and I'd usually get requests to borrow the rest of the series). At the Rivier anime club, they decide on one series to watch over the course of a year, and watch two episodes of that <i>plus</i> two episodes of a different show each week. That way they'd go through one long story arc and still manage to watch a ton of different shows.

So, what you should do, is show a wide variety of stuff. Maybe once in a while show a 'popular' show that everyone's already seen, but try to keep things fresh and varied. Nobody wants a semester of mecha or shoujo.

-Whoever said that ADV hates anime clubs is talking out their ass, because ADV has a fanclub-type thing similar to what Funimation has.

<b>Spikebomb00</b> - Here's how you start a club: decide on a time/place for an interest meeting. Plaster every available space you can find with posters advertising said meeting. You will get a ton of people. This is a good way to judge how many are interested and also get a gauge of what kind of shows people want to watch. You will then see that the first meeting <i>after</i> the interest meeting will have half as many people. This is normal.

To whoever said they were having a problem getting a teacher to sponsor the club - the trick here is to sound credible. Call it the Japanese Culture Appriciation Society and get an Asian Studies teacher to sponsor you.

Other suggestions I have for those of you starting anime clubs:

1. Offer free food. People will come for free food. To get the money for this food, either take up donations at the meetings, or ask your student government for money. Be prepared to have to strongly defend an anime club, as you will be met with criticism. This didn't stop me from getting roughly $2000 over the course of last year for the anime club, but then again I had half of my school's Community Council in my pocket.

2. AMVs are, of course, a good idea. I suggest either picking out a couple good AMVs that are of the show you're watching and either play them at the meeting where you watch the show, or the meeting <i>before</i> you watch the show (as a coming attraction-type thing).

3. Promote, promote, promote! Flyers! Signs! Emails! Guard your 8.5x11" spaces on the wall with your LIFE, because nobody will come to meetings unless they're reminded constantly that they're happening.

That's about all I feel like posting here. If you'd like more advice, AIM or email always seem to reach me in short order.


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Post by Kalium » Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:12 am

dokool wrote:-Whoever said that ADV hates anime clubs is talking out their ass, because ADV has a fanclub-type thing similar to what Funimation has.
Regardless, ADV and Bandai are, in general, not exactly friendly toward clubs. Most of the other companies do not care if a club shows their anime, but ADV and Bandai are, shall we say, less than happy with the idea.

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Post by Trunksgirl07 » Tue Oct 19, 2004 11:55 am

Well I already worked on the " me being president-and-everything else" thing. I already have a Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, and an advertising coordinator.

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Post by Kiara14 » Thu Nov 11, 2004 6:23 pm

I am part of a Anime club myself set up by my school for it's first year. The turn out was great there was alot more people then I expected, mind you most of them were males. :roll: and the only reason they came was totalk about hinue or what ever it's called bottom line cartoon porn

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Post by shippo_fox » Fri Nov 12, 2004 10:03 pm

ya clubs r so cool to larn about everything to know like how to make costumes, amv and how to draw magni but am surprised that there was about like 40 people where including myselef and Kiara14. and plus i see it as a privlidge to have it and its the first year to so i can call myslf as a pionier to try new things and plus meet new people..............and i think my princeable dont like it cuse of the anmie girls not (hentai) and its not bad so all those people who dont have it in your school ask a teacher r a princeable......
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

and oh ya anime is not for guys

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Post by Otohiko » Sat Nov 13, 2004 2:24 pm

shippo_fox wrote:
and oh ya anime is not for guys
waht yuo say? :?



/had anime club last night and enjoyed. I think they finally struck a balance in their choice of showing material, a shame they only do it once every two weeks...
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Post by fatandpowerful1 » Sat Nov 13, 2004 5:41 pm

We're having a tournament at my anime club as'bout 3 weeks ago. I mostly just go to watch anime. Besides, isn't that the real reason people go to anime clubs? :? :?:
I can claim the title as being the first person on to submit an AMV with the artist KJ-52 on it. Yay. Hahaha.
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