Well, I think a lot of it depends on your situation. Our club is city-based instead of school-based. We've actually gained a couple of members sheerly from the fact that they shopped at the same comic book store where we hold our meetings and happened to see what we were up to. Also, we were lucky enough to have one of our former members (who may be rejoining soon) be an excellent recruiter by spreading word about the club to many people. I found the club I'm in through Anipike some years ago, and people can still find us that way now too.GMDanish wrote:Ya I am one of the Club leaders at UWO. Its kinda sad that most of the people who attend the club other then us executives dont even go to the college.
Any one know of any good ways of recruiting people for your clubs?
What times have worked well for your club? Our is on Saturdays 6:00 - 9:00 pm
O and one of our cardinal rules is that we dont watch anything thats been on TV.
We have small business cards with the club logo to pass out to people if we meet them too. I ran out and have been meaning to see if we have any more in our inventory. We put these cards with our little stuffed hammers we sold at A-kon. That's another place we spread the word about our existence.
Our regular meetings are held the second Sunday of every month from 11 AM - 6 PM at a local comic book store. The 11 AM is too early for a lot of people, but the places closes at 6 so tough luck for us. Recently, more members have been willing to arrive at the time, so it's alright. If I could change it a little, I'd rather have the meetings held something like 2 - 8 or 9 PM on Sundays. The extended Saturday meetings other people hold are on Saturday nights, about 8-10 PM.