I thank you all for your adive but for this guy and what he says
DrngdKreationz wrote:Well he's whining about something thats just a personal issue, about him trying to maintain his uber-fanboy position in life. and sure everyone else is telling him the honest truth that there is more to life than anime. but instead of being like a normal person and letting out a sigh and saying yes you're right. he creates a tighter grip on it as if he were waiting on someone to go NO DON'T LISTEN TO THEM, ANIME IS EVERYTHING AND I AGREE WITH YOU, or at least feel sorry for them. and that just irks me. I think he should just shut up and go whine on something more personal like AIM or MSN, instead of posting this here.
DrngdKreationz wrote:hate to be an asshole here, but when did these boards turn into personal counseling?
Dude, You don't dig Watching Anime anymore GOOD FOR YOU! that means that you've reached a new stage in life, May I suggest a few other tidbits of advice as well,
Stop visiting anime boards,
stop downloading/editing/ or watching amv's, hell delete the ones you have, (burn on CD if you really want, but clear your HD)
DONT sell your DVDs thats pointless unless you really need the money.
and most important.... GO DO SOMETHING ELSE!
if within a few months nostalgia doesn't kick in and make you watch it again then even better, money to spend on another hobby that you DO have interest in in this part of your life. (then maybe you can sell your dvds)
he obvisaly doesnt understand anime that much. been with me my whole life and its a big shame to let it go, just trying to get by the phaaase and wanting to know if anyone else has encourted it b4 and want some advice on how to get by, and i aint whining about it, its just been a big part of my life man. dont know if your trying to help out or not but it doesnt matter, i can all the info i need
If the army or navy ever looks upon heavens scenes, they would see that the streets are guarded by the United States Marines.