American Culture and Anime

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Post by OtakuMan22 » Thu Mar 31, 2005 11:23 am

Reply to "*offtopic*"

Uhhh... Thank you? Ummm, I realized that America counts both North and South and well, refers to about 1/3 of the planet. Hence, USA cause it gets the point across and I hate typing "United States of America" over and over again.


...That was a compliment right?

Reply to rest of post:

Sure, American dubs aren't the best thing in the world, but they aren't all bad either. Take the dub of Golden Boy or Shinesman. Those have some REALLY freakin' funny dubs. Kintaro Oe's monologues in English are VERY funny!

Now if only the ones on kids TV were that good. True, it'd be nice if they left theme songs or background music alone. Apparently, it keeps people at 4Kids TV in work, or something. Believe you me, I have a family member who worked (if not works) for Saban and did the music for the US version of Digimon. That's all he did! Music for the shows! Whether or not he's still at Saban now that Disney bought it out a while ago... not so sure. He's a distant relative on my step-mother's side of the family.

At least a rough translation of the original song would be best, like what they did with Sailor Moon. Hell, Viz did that with all the songs of their video releases, Ranma 1/2 included, even though it didn't always follow what they were actually saying (but it was close)


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Coming from america

Post by Dilysi » Sat Apr 02, 2005 11:01 pm

Anime will be big in the states in five years. It can take a while to socially accept new media. And so it should be.

The cost to benefit ratio of anime is becomming extraordinary as technological inventions and advancements gives us more bang for our buck. So anime is and will continue in the mainstream. But it will make it's greatest contribution to our arts as the new Indie medium. Perhaps we'll call it Andie. And it will be soon.

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Evangelion Unit 01
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Post by Evangelion Unit 01 » Sat Apr 02, 2005 11:43 pm

:..Darkamist..: wrote:more tolerant? ehh...i just sorta think America's rule/laws/regulations/watevers...on Anime shows is a bit too strict...i mean they show Anime but they practically cut/edit the scenes that made Anime different...>.>other words they edit the good parts... :? of coarse thats just my opinion...ima sorta comparing the treatment of Anime in Asia and America...
You know that is a good point. America Americanizing anime. Maybe this is the reason that some people still feel that anime is nothing more than cartoons for kids. Not only that but I feel advertising has a lot to do with it. Even, good animes, like Neon Genesis Evangelion, or Akira, are not advertised all that, at least not as much as Pokemon or Yu Gi Oh was. What people see on comercials they beleive and if all they see it this then they are going to believe it, and if they only seem Americanized anime then that is all they are going to beleive as well. Also both Pokemon and Yu Gi Oh where treated like american shows the way they where shown repeatedly loaded with filler, and where sucked dry for money, I mean pokemon is still on comercial and I remember seeing that show like five or six years ago.

The only thing I feel that will really help anime in America is for something to come out that is anime uncut in its raw form that will bollow people of all ages away. Either that or something that is so against cencorship that all the soccer moms rite and it gets all over the news , and then it gets banned and unbanned and there are court cases and law suits for a couple of years and then that would help anime, I mean in the end result if we win like we did in video games.

The only other thing I can think of is most anime I watch makes me think, and I think that most people in America don't like to think while relaxing and watching TV, and that might be why there is nothing but crap on TV and Movies. That is just a guess.

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Post by hobogenesis » Mon Apr 04, 2005 11:39 pm

"Even, good animes, like Neon Genesis Evangelion, or Akira, are not advertised all that, at least not as much as Pokemon or Yu Gi Oh was."
sry my browser botched the quote

that is where the money is at. People like us save our money for what we believe is a good anime but it is so easy to get 10 yr olds to spend their parent's money on utter crap.

it is sad but true :(
i cry ,myself to sleep thinkin bout it.


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Post by Nandez » Tue Apr 05, 2005 12:29 am

Well its strange though that how the Yugioh T.V. show was censored and alot diffrent form the manga same for Pokemon.I dunno why they changed the name to Pokemon though anyway though.They would have to do alot more cutting if the Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh t.v. show were more like there manga versions.But they still cut out the sex jokes and humor thats in most shows that go for kids in Japan exmaple Digimon and Pokemon.But anime is shown uncut witohut cutting out nudity or editing it at all but it can only be shown on channels that aren't standard T.V. channels.I watched Perfect Blue the other night completely Uncut on T.V.
The real reason people think anime is a cartoon is because not just because it cut but becaus eof the Dialogue change.Also anything being animated people automatically think of things like Nickelodeon shows or disney ones.I remeber when a girl I knew was Eighteen and I was watching the uncut Fatal Fury vhs on tv.And When Terry said Damn.she freaked and started saying crap like "I can't belive someone just cursed on a cartoon!"
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Post by jenny2blue4mina » Sat Apr 16, 2005 7:21 am

I don't know about anyone else but the dubbing has helped a little with bringing anime into American home....Seriously...most anime maniacs start out as youngsters watching a show thats been beaten, edited, cut up..whatever you want to call...but as they get older they become wiser and learn about other anime....thus a fan base begins but to round out the Americanization of anime and why its so messed up......I'll call it the blame game....everyone blames someone for something...(like blaming music artist for making some kid shout up his school? we heard these ones before).....its the way America evolved into what it is today and it should continue to evolve....
:roll: go take a walk down the anime section of the nearest video store (not including wal-mart...)and see what they offer...I bet there is a few that are unedited and uncut.....I seen many new ones that are on my to buy list....and understand that that isle has changed over the years and now includes more anime......also think about how many anime lovers are out there.....I know lots of them and they would surprise you....seriously how often do you walk into a store to buy a new anime and a guy walks up to you and asks if its any good (while he has a anime you seen awhile ago in his hand)? When does that happen? ALOT!!!!Even the store manager knew alot about his anime and all of the store workers.....We anime lovers are out there....politics is too blame.... :x Damn...he goes the blame game....see what it does to people.....
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