Dubs - actually bad, or just unfairly biased against?

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Post by Brigid » Thu Sep 15, 2005 11:12 pm

Dub quality varies as much as anime quality. (Frankly, I can't stand DBZ, dubbed or not, but it is worse dubbed.) And there's a lot of personal preferance involved. (I'm kinda split on Yuyu Hakusho. Kurama sounds like either a 12-year-old or a woman in the original, but Kuwabara sounds like an even bigger idiot in the dub.)

Over all, I don't mind dubs. It's the only way I get to watch anime 99% of the time. Still, it does bug me when the plot, the characters, the names, the relationships, or any major part gets changed. (I present to you, MewMew Power.)

Generally, the difference in the actual voices sounds like a rather petty reason for hating dubs. Unless you get the original actors to do the English version (which, I hazard to guess, would sound *really* wierd) you can't help but end up with a different voice. Deal with it.

What I do mind is when every single character sounds identical (MewMew Power again), or a mature character suddenly sounds like a valley girl. (I've heard this of Kagome from Inuyasha. I personally wouldn't go that far, but I see their point.)

And, really, I'd rather watch the show that have to hop from subtitle to action all the time.
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Post by Knowname » Thu Sep 15, 2005 11:24 pm

CCS wasn't dubbed.

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Post by Knowname » Thu Sep 15, 2005 11:24 pm

in english that is :lol:

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Post by Brigid » Fri Sep 16, 2005 12:17 pm

Just out of curiousity, what is CCS?
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Post by Knowname » Fri Sep 16, 2005 4:09 pm

Cardcaptor Sakura... least that's what I'm translating it as. The dub is called Cardcaptor but it's messed up so bad that it's hardly the same. But now that you mention it, I think there was something else with the acronyms CCS, I just... don't remember what it is.

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Post by milkmandan » Fri Sep 16, 2005 5:08 pm

dont get CCS mixed up with CSS

CCS = CardCaptor Sakura
CSS = Cascading Style Sheet

completely different! har kar jar :)

i would NEVER take a dub, EVER, even if they hire awesome 2 million dollar actor, i would never feel right about it being in english.

i duno why, but a so-so ordinary everyday japanese voice actor is comparable if not completely equal, to a celebrity voice acting standard.

japanese people just present emotions, and overall everything that is needed in voice acting much better than any other nationality.

and comon, it just sounds right for it to be in original language. great examle would be..if today you went to hong kong and saw 'Friends' on TV, i am pretty sure you wouldn't watch it if it were dubbed in Cantonese. -_-
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Post by Brigid » Fri Sep 16, 2005 10:52 pm

milkmandan wrote:and comon, it just sounds right for it to be in original language. great examle would be..if today you went to hong kong and saw 'Friends' on TV, i am pretty sure you wouldn't watch it if it were dubbed in Cantonese. -_-
Only because I don't know Cantonese. 8-)

Seriously, I don't see how the Japanese are any "better" at expressing emotion that Americans. Or French, Irish, or Indians for that matter. All cultures have their own ways of using vocalizations to express emotion. That doesn't make one culture better than another. And, frankly, I think America has some highly skilled voice actors. I'm not talking celebraties, I'm talking *real* actors.

I thought Cardcaptor was on TV here a few years back. That is the show with the girl with a bird-head scepter thing and a quest to collect some magic cards, right? There was also a line of toys going along with the series. I wasn't much into anime at the time, so all I know is what I can remember from some comercials I saw.
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why sum dubs suck..

Post by hiya123 » Sun Sep 18, 2005 4:32 pm

some dubs suck mainly because if sumthing is religous they cut it out and sometimes it confuses a plot or sometimes they make it more american by adding 'hip'or 'cool' slang which doesn't fit in :shock:

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Post by hiya123 » Sun Sep 18, 2005 4:37 pm

but not all dubs are crap it's just sumtimes they get on my nerves when they try to change more then they need to. :)

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Post by milkmandan » Sun Sep 18, 2005 5:57 pm

another thing i want to add is.

lauguage difference...it IS different....today if there was a joke about the
popular tounge twister,peter piper picked a pair of pickeled peppers. you can't translate that into japanese. and expect the japanese version to be a tounge twister as well...

or vice versa...basu gasu hatsu, is an exmaple of a tounge twister in japanese, translated into english, it means bus gas explosion. (from azumanga daioh) sure dubbers could make something up that would fit the episode premise, but then they are just changing the anime, its just doesn't seem right.

vice versa, in the anime Yakitate Japan, they have so many play on words. that if they ever tried to dub it, it would be filled with translator notes and half of the jokes, wouldn't make ANY sense.

i know chinese and i understand how annoying it is the translate into englihs, because simply there are so many more words in the chinese lanuguage, that there aren't enuff ways to express in english. it just doesn;t work

this happens a lot in japanese too

so ya oh well....still sub > dub,
there are loop holes but at least we can try to make sense of them ourselves, instead of the dubbers dooiing for us
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