Why people don't like anime

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Post by Sukunai » Mon Jul 14, 2008 5:29 am

GFHmicaella wrote:I don't have suspension of disbelief. o.o
i think they really happen in some other dimension, is that wierd?
of course no matter where you are you don't believe everything that is said, otherwise liars would be having the time of their life XP
And the way it doesn't look realistic doesn't bother me, but it seems to bother most other people though (i wonder why.. o.o?)

You know the funniest thing? XD my parents watched anime when they were young and didn't think it was wierd at all, but now whenever they look at what i watch they look uncomfortable, like "what the hell is this kid watching?"
Since there are some parents here (i think? o.o?) do you know why that is?
It's simple, they let themselves get old.
Old people usually fail to understand the young at some point, or they forget they were once young themselves.
Anime, one of the few things about the internet that doesn't make me hate the internet.

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Post by Vivaldi » Mon Jul 14, 2008 6:31 pm

Sukunai wrote:
GFHmicaella wrote:I don't have suspension of disbelief. o.o
i think they really happen in some other dimension, is that wierd?
of course no matter where you are you don't believe everything that is said, otherwise liars would be having the time of their life XP
And the way it doesn't look realistic doesn't bother me, but it seems to bother most other people though (i wonder why.. o.o?)

You know the funniest thing? XD my parents watched anime when they were young and didn't think it was wierd at all, but now whenever they look at what i watch they look uncomfortable, like "what the hell is this kid watching?"
Since there are some parents here (i think? o.o?) do you know why that is?
It's simple, they let themselves get old.
Old people usually fail to understand the young at some point, or they forget they were once young themselves.
My father once read a part of a manga I got. After he was through, I asked him what he thought and he said "I think it's very stupid, but I used to read mad magazine when I was young, so whatever."
<Kenzichu> HAHAHA!!
<Kenzichu> everyone died!

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Post by Sukunai » Mon Jul 14, 2008 10:17 pm

"My father once read a part of a manga I got. After he was through, I asked him what he thought and he said "I think it's very stupid, but I used to read mad magazine when I was young, so whatever.""


I too read Mad, Cracked and all that stuff when I was young.

Imagining that most manga is in any fashion on par with Cracked to me means he not only didn't really read that manga, but he looked at it with an already formed opinion to begin with.

That happens a lot though with people. They "already know" something in their view, and have an already formed opinion. It's a case of you failed to inform them right from the start. People like to slag off teens as being inherently of this mind set just from being a teen, but in truth, it can apply to any age group.
Anime, one of the few things about the internet that doesn't make me hate the internet.

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Post by Orestes » Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:18 pm

Adv1sor wrote:
vivaldiscool wrote:No, seriously, now everybody thinks anime's all about absurd hairdos, bulging muscles, and guys beating the crap out of each other for vaugley defined reasons.
Isn't it? Isn't it?
Well, that and panties, you can't forget the panties...
Yes people see cartoon panties and run away scared like WTF is that Porn? :lol:

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Post by x_rex30 » Sat Jul 19, 2008 6:18 pm

Why do some people not like a certain food no matter how many chances they give it?

Different tastes

Why would they not give it a chance when they know nothing about it?

Close mindedness.

Some people would just naturally not like it, how a person looks at anything could be determined how they were raised or how friends of theirs influence them.

The idea of "cartoon" and being "meant for only kids".. though people who think this and watch south park, futurama, family guy or simpsons I would say are being hypocritical definitely.

Some people will define something of what little they know or saw of it, and give it's quality a label like good or bad even though they shouldn't have any merit in their thoughts without knowing much of the ins and outs of it.

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Post by Albireo Imma » Sat Jul 19, 2008 9:01 pm

In simple fact, some are simply racist... Since Manga and Anime were Japanese, correct? The hate doesn't just come from the old, but the young too. Well, racism is the matter with the young, or some just have the mindset of "too much" logic, and just simply says, "anime is not logical, therefore it is crap". Which is a large contradiction, since Anime is fictional, and doesn't have to be logical, which is actually logical.

For the part on racism, some just think Asians are crap (trust me, I've dealt with it...), whilst they think this, in two to three hundred years or so, Asians will have taken over the world. Enough of that joke, hating anime because they hate Asians, is another, large contradiction, everyone's seen Dragonball Z or Pokemon at least yes? If they saw more than one episode, that means they like it, since if they hated it, the first episode, they'd just be like, "this is bull".

On the mindset of the old, they are, yet another, giant contradiction. They were of course, once our age (I'm 15) of course, and if they think it's bullcrap, then what they used to be into at our age, is bullcrap too. And if they liked it, and say it's bullcrap now, they liked bullcrap :D And no one actually likes real life, bullcrap, right? Thus they still cannot deny, that they still like it.

On the side note: My dad had this 80s or 70s, a little vague... Turned it on, in the car, and i felt rickrolled...

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Post by Sukunai » Sat Jul 19, 2008 11:10 pm

I don't think it's entirely racist in all cases.

Try finding a person of Chinese decent that doesn't have a clear hate on for Japan. Japan has done a lot of bad things to a lot of people in the not distant enough past.

Then there are all the people old enough to have felt some of the love from Japan from the second world war (often ex servicmen). Some people can have unyielding hate on for all things Japan just for that.

Myself, I have no past baggage connected with Japan's past actions. It helps.

I like the art style, I like the story style heck I like it 6 ways to sunday.
But I don't have the often peculiar reasons for hating it present. It helps.
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Post by mayadrown » Sun Jul 20, 2008 8:56 am

I love to devour an anime series or two in my free time but I hold one thing against quite a bit of anime, it's lack of originality. I get tired of the same style of anime and continue to search and hope for those few special ones that create their own feel. But Japan being so tradition set and such a large market set to fire at it's easy to see why people settle for the regular anime stereotypes (or at least what I consider anime stereotypes). Death Note, DBZ, *insert anime I can't remember because I have a bad memory*, and such have set their own standard for characters. They have their own colors, build, faces, expressions, and wardrobe. The backgrounds usually differ from most typical school backgrounds or forest backgrounds. Plus I've always felt defining any form of art is ridiculous. If I painted a picture with acrylics and you painted a picture with acrylics they would not be the same. Them being paintings is not enough of a classification? No... they have to be labeled acrylic paintings. Sometimes even broken down to brush stroke use and use of light. Anime and cartoons are the same damn thing, animated media. If someone in the US moved to Japan and made some show and it made it's way back to the US it would still be by the same person but dumbasses would fight and bicker over it anyway.

Many people I know get bored of the same old anime layout: stupid young boy find amazingly hot woman that likes him (for some reason), random bad guy/girl appears and a constant streak of luck floods the main characters bad situations while either increasing or decreasing sanity at home, good guy always wins, blah, blah, blah, final episode (if it ever comes) shows lackluster shots of them together or parting with random music playing over it. Add the static backgrounds and oddly familiar type of characters and it's easy to see why some people don't stick with anime.

Onto the next topic. Many people feel they need to put all of themselves into the adult world. They push their selves to provide for their family or for their futures. Things they liked as a kid they abandon to try to reach a higher goal and make a name for themselves. Some find solace in knowing they worked hard and some feel good just knowing their kids will have a future. Some also just get caught up in the stress and worry and are carried away by it without even knowing it. So after a while they refuse to go back to what they liked in fear of losing a foothold in their futures.

But most people don't have the imagination for it. They accept their current really and have troubles believing in anything abnormal. Anime is a gateway to another world in which all of us view the inner workings of a group of peopls imagination. The writers, animators, and such. If you have no connection to what they are trying to portray then you won't be able to get into the anime.

A lot of the time people just haven't found their niche. I'm sure many of you only got into anime because of some profound episode or movie of something that you connected with. I started into the anime groove when I was young. I was drawn into the bright colors of the original kids shows: Sesame Street, all the Disney shows, and such. Something magical and so unlike what I knew made me want to watch more. As time went bye I found myself alone a lot of the time. Turning a cheek to reality I drifted off into imagination and continued my life. Soon I found myself feeling depressed at my lonliness but still infatuated with imagination. I find comics and some action manga and start to get the basic ideas behind the stories and get more interested with the morale of the stories. Soon I change my outward attitude and slowly quiet down and become a little more behaved and mannered. But I continue to star off into the heavens hoping for a star crossed lover or another person to share an entwined fate with. Then I get introduced to anime and the continued good-hearted guy down on his luck finds beautiful woman scheme instantly stole my heart.

For what I'd guess (I'm bad at guessing) to be 90% of the time situation leads people away or towards anime. Examples:
- A group of your friends you've made are anime addicts and you happen to have never heard of it before. They show you detailed lists of what to watch and you fall in love.
- A group of your friends you've made are all into sports and school spirit. You don't even hear about anime until someone is being teased about it. The prospect of being teased puts you off and you abandon the idea forever.
- You spend all your money on new anime and manga but eventually your mom forbids it. You, utterly loving and respecting your mom obey and drift away from it.
- You spend all your money on new anime and manga but your mom forbids it. Growing up she always labeled everything forbidden so you disobey and continue to watch.
- You go to college and run into a hardcore anime fan. You watched some when you were younger but didn't get into it much. The anime fan enventually breaks you down and shows you his favorites. Most drift bye without any change but one hits a home run to your feelings and you're hooked on finding another just like it.
- You're living in a post war household where you've always felt bad for your dad because he was injured in the war. You're love for your dad veils your view and his racial views become yours. Anime will never amount to anything you continue to tell yourself and never watch any or say out loud you like any.
- You're living in a post war household where you've always been pestered into trying to hate foreigners. Refusing to be forced you rebel and pass bye without receiving any racist views except towards people like your father.

Which is just as bad. They had their own things to deal with, you can't blame them. Being forced to fight in a war and not wanting to blame your own country on it. Their anger rose as their friends died (same for the other side) and so on.

Anime is a tool to escape reality or to find a link to someone. Anyone who watches anime has some bad memory that attracts them to some of the situations portrayed in anime. Some people just don't have friends or have trouble with women. Some want to have a more virtuous life and some want an outlet for their anger and that anger is calmed by watching either mages, alchemists, robots, demons, angels, aliens, or regular people battle it out. Some have awkward feelings that would never show up in American television. Some just want something funny and uplifting. Some want something brighter and sunnier than their life. Some want to be able to believe in something and some want to be able to believe in love.

A man is made of their past choices along with their past situations and their own hearts. The choices you make in life effect every other choice you will make. Everything that has happened to you alters your choices. And your heart just won't let you make some choices. You are you because of these three things. If you were born in a different country or even just a different house your life could be different, your outlook on life could be different. You, starting out, have the possibility to be anything the world makes you be, that is your fate. But your heart refuses to be swayed by the world sometimes and makes it's own choices. There is no reason to hate anyone for what they think, you could possibly be in the same situation if you grew up in their household.

Sorry I get a bit preachy and like to say what I can when I can. I don't exactly talk much with people, online or off.

Oooohhhhh annnnnddddddd. I don't have any delusions when I watch anime. I outright believe anything is possible. In scientific terms everything is possible until tested in every way. Someone tries to see if people have telepathy! This person says they do so lets try! ... They don't have telepathy. So that disproves it right? Wrong! No one can disprove it until every single person is tested in every way possible. Not to mention most of what we "know" is based on precedent and result from theories. Hell, a lot of what Einstein was thought to be correct until not long ago. Who's to say there can't be other universes? Anyone... But just because I believe they may exist doesn't mean I believe in them. I stop and think to myself, "I wonder if that's real... If it is then cool, if not then owell." So while I watch anime I don't abandon my principles and re-equip myself with them later. I merely imagine our world if such a thing were to happen. Sometimes my fantasies even drift on after the anime.

But I digress... I don't know why but I do... jana~

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Post by Flusel » Sun Jul 20, 2008 9:44 am

very well spoken. espacially this part:
Anime is a tool to escape reality or to find a link to someone. Anyone who watches anime has some bad memory that attracts them to some of the situations portrayed in anime. Some people just don't have friends or have trouble with women. Some want to have a more virtuous life and some want an outlet for their anger and that anger is calmed by watching either mages, alchemists, robots, demons, angels, aliens, or regular people battle it out. Some have awkward feelings that would never show up in American television. Some just want something funny and uplifting. Some want something brighter and sunnier than their life. Some want to be able to believe in something and some want to be able to believe in love.
and I think for many people, Anime is sort of a religion replacement. As is the beauty of nature and things for many Japanese people.

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Post by Sukunai » Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:57 am

Holy shit, glad I have mayadrown around so that I am not the only person with a habit of massive posts :)

That adult world comment was interesting. Not sure I accept it entirely though.
Some people are good at escaping the burdens of the adult world, and some are not.
Personally I think most just think getting drunk is the best route. I don't do the get drunk thing.

As for getting bored, well I suppose it's not impossible.
I've liked chocolate all my life. I like all kinds of chocolate too.
And I am sure if I ate too much one week, the next week I might want to not eat any at all.
But I like what I like. I generally don't get bored of what I like. I just might over indulge some times.

Is some types of anime over done? Well no more than reality tv shit. But it seems people are willing to indulge it endlessly too.
Anime, one of the few things about the internet that doesn't make me hate the internet.


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