MinnieMoose wrote:A: this post was about why dbz is bashed
B: Cell was going to destroy the world if he won
C: I've yet to see any argument that dbz is nothing more than a fight fight rah rah sorta anime. The dramatic "buildup" is nothing more than people talking or staring at each other while you listenin to electricity popping as someone drones on about ultimate power or whatever.
A: if by post u mean topic, then we are exactly on the topic, ur arguing that dbz is not good and i'm defending it from u (the hater according to topic)
B: what a person intends to do has no baring on what the did do
C: i'm not saying it's much more than that, but it's not as bad as a lot of ppl make it out to be, ppl keep over simplifying the series and would get mad if sumone oversimplified a series they liked, but dbz has made it throughout the years because it has sum good aspects to it, not because it suks, it's gonna be remembered throughout the years no matter what ppl say
but i guess for sum ppl arrogance is as much bliss as ignorance
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Don't judge an AMV by it's anime.. u nooB ;D