The way I figure it, they should've just minimized the psychological analysis, and stuck with the action. I've made this rant before, but seeing as this is yet another Eva film thread, it's time to bring it back.No, the fact that you think The End Of Eva and Death And rebirth are required to explane evangelions ending.
The End Of Evangelion was Anno's revenge upon the stupid masses that didn't get the end of the TV series. During the chaotic epileptic scenes, there are ACTUAL hate letters from fans who were all 'I DUN GET TEH ENDING!' in those scenes.
Those movies were only necessary if you are a member of the group that Anno deemed stupid
I wish more sci-fi series' that have major events would cover the actual incident as it would be seen from an observer's perspective. For example, in Star Trek: TNG's famous two-parter "Best of Both Worlds" (the whole Locutus of Borg thing), they never show you the Battle of Wolf 359. Instead, they show the Enterprise zipping by all the debris afterwards. It isn't until Deep Space Nine's pilot episode (Emissary-Part I), that you see the actual battle, from Sisko's perspective.
If Anno wanted to do it right, instead of just making a show to help correct his psychological problems, he would show Instrumentality from the perspective of an observer (Death and Rebirth, and the opening of EoE). Once Instrumentality took place, he would switch to the content in Episodes 25 and 26. Finally, once Shinji figures out what he has to do, he would've switched to the End of Eva metaphysical crap, and then switch back to the observer's perspective when Asuka and Shinji are first formed again from LCL, and stumble upon each other outside of Instrumentality. That would also give us the answer to the major question everyone's still asking: is the bandaged Asuka the real Asuka, Shinji's preferred version he created as a mesh between Asuka, Rei, and Misato while he was in charge of Instrumentality, or is it all part of a more realistic dream world?
If Gainax were smart, and Anno were willing, they could also rake in some serious bucks by showing Second Impact and everything leading up to 2015 from a civilian's perspective. It would work the same way like the Star Wars saga, in which everything before and after the series would be done in two movies. The films could follow three or four different people from around the world (North America, Europe, Africa, and finally, Japan, for all those ego-centric producers). For the characters to truly grasp what's going on, and to do the typical teen-angst bullshit, the characters would be Misato's age. They would go through Second Impact, the resulting civil wars, the slow rebuilding of international commerce/peace, and all the scientific chatter before the Third Angel's arrival.
That is what Anno should have done with the two Eva movies. It would also satisfy the fans, because they could see how Shinji's version of Instrumentality pans out (who chooses Instrumentality, who goes back to the real world, and if the Earth ever shifts back to an orbit and climate similar to it's pre-Second Impact form).