Well, it's not exactly the old OT. (the old OT was like "DS+all these random half-literate threads that the sort of people who make inane vs. threads except about other pointless stuff."))v(ajin Koji wrote:Demonseal is baisically the old OT forum of the Org, so just think of that the next time you ask for the OT forums back.Cloud Clone wrote:IMO.....Demonseal blows. I'd rather not go to a forum at all than go there, and that's what will happen if this place degenerates too far. How lame. =' - /Scintilla wrote:I hear Demonseal is good for that kind of thing.
If all your friends went to DS it would be more suited to you.
And oh, if you go to Demonseal to do the 'Anime Versus' thing, do expect me to move those threads to the Trash Can forum (that is, unless the admins suddenly decide it's cool)