the Black Monarch wrote:There is no such thing as a Bay Area accent, although there is the famous Valley Girl accent. Is that what you're thinking of?
Sure there is - because it's all relative. So, one of the most common proclamations, in any language, is that 'there is NO accent here!' This is as entertainingly self-contradictory as someone who, having become the butt of a joke or the prat-fall, insists 'That's -NOT- funny!' The louder he insists, of course, the funnier it gets.
<friendly rivalry>
Note that since I didn't say WHAT bay, we of course look for a state with the best claim for a BAY. That of course would be Massachusetts: 'The Bay State.'
8-} [ or X-P ]
Anyone ever heard a Cape Cod accent? (BTW: The Nawth Shaw sounds different from the South Shoo-ah.)
</friendly rivalry>
To my humble ears, -some- San-Fran-folkses have a certain discernable tone - men and women both. LA is a little different, too. But returning to turning books into movies/anime, although 'Fargo' had a North-Central accent thing going (carried over into the 'COPS'/Star Wars spoof called 'Troops') it's rather rare to hear some of the Noo Englund accents on the big screen.
There are several anime series that through in kansai accents - I think there's even one where the humans speak 'straight' (meaning Tokyo) and the aliens have Osaka dialects.
- Geirr