Anime is porn or isn't it?!

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bye the way not meant to insult

Post by axron27 » Thu Oct 31, 2002 1:20 pm

I'm sorry if you took me serious Firestorm i got a kick out of your profile but my joke went flat. My furnace went out I'm freezing and I haven't slept in two days because it's too cold. My wit -if you would- may not be too sharp
I love Lime

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Post by mexicanjunior » Thu Oct 31, 2002 4:27 pm

Rozard wrote:Not everyone's humor is the same. I understood completely what Mr Oni was trying to say. He was just joking because he's a dirty old man who molests a Lum plushie nightly :P
Don't forget about uber sexy trackball-chan. =P Lum plushie is ragged and fat these days, he needs to get himself a Ruri plushie like I plan to. :shock:

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Post by jonmartensen » Thu Oct 31, 2002 6:57 pm

leave it to mexican junior to get the thread back on track. :D

Ruri plushie :lol:

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Post by thistledown » Tue Nov 05, 2002 3:58 pm

Interesting. Whenever I talk to people about anime that haven't seen it. They always complain that it must be for little kids because it's animated. The Hentai portion never comes up, they just think its juvenial. I mostly get this argument from my parents, but other people too. They think somebody that's 21 is about 8 years too old to be watching cartoons. :roll:
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Post by CaTaClYsM » Tue Nov 05, 2002 7:13 pm

I know people that think anime is for kids, they also think the world is flat and that pictures steal your soul.
So in other words, one part of the community is waging war on another part of the community because they take their community seriously enough to want to do so. Then they tell the powerless side to get over the loss cause it's just an online community. I'm glad people make so much sense." -- Tab

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Post by Anime Jedi » Tue Nov 05, 2002 10:07 pm

Hentai comes up a lot in my conversations, but to my friends, it's not hentai, it's cartoon porn. I wonder if this is where I kick their a$$. :evil:

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Post by LittleKefalos » Wed Nov 06, 2002 12:52 pm

No need to kick anyone's... well you know.

Really you'd be surprised at how many people change after you start arguing with them. It may take a few years, but it sinks in and though they may not link you with their change of thought per se (is that how it is?), they're whole idea of something could change.

In the end good ideas stick (at least in people's minds), they may not become a technical or physical reality for a time, but that's due to other human failures (the mind, and I guess you could say the heart, are pretty reliable all around).

Sometimes unfortunately group mentality, the uber mind, screws things up, and the only thing you can do about it is to be careful that it doesn't happen to you.

Sorry, I hope this was clear in an philosophical and actual sense, but these are hard to combine.

:D Have hope though.

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Post by artfreak13 » Wed Nov 06, 2002 3:23 pm

anime has always had the reputation of being ultra violent porn
AOL discs.... just chuck 'em

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Post by Anime Jedi » Wed Nov 06, 2002 8:35 pm

LittleKefalos wrote:Really you'd be surprised at how many people change after you start arguing with them. It may take a few years, but it sinks in and though they may not link you with their change of thought per se (is that how it is?), they're whole idea of something could change.

In the end good ideas stick (at least in people's minds), they may not become a technical or physical reality for a time, but that's due to other human failures (the mind, and I guess you could say the heart, are pretty reliable all around).
True, things like this take time, but it doesn't mean while we're trying to make a difference, we have to accept the abuse. I would love to debate with them, but their common response is "Cartoon porn", and this leaves me frustrated. They obviously don't feel the same about having a good debate, and would rather do anything, so they'd rather give their position on the topic and walk away. These days, I seem to be losing my patience with a lot of this stuff, and even just regualr stuff. But amazingly, I still have much more patience than anyone I know. Anyways, knowing my friends, they would rather fight me, than debate with me (even though they know I can woop them, which is surprising :shock: ).

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Post by LittleKefalos » Thu Nov 07, 2002 6:40 pm

You're right Anime Jedi, most people would rather fight, than have a discussion where everyone leave a little more knowledgeable (or a lot in some cases).

I don't have too many suggestions against such a thing, but it shouldn't be surprising given that it is reflected in our politics, in our schools, and in our daily activities. Americans often want the quick easy answer, or at least the answer that's been given by people who are considered "gods" by academics or popular demand. Sometimes we need this, we shouldn't have to wait in a Restaurant for hours debating with the waiter or chef about the state of our food or what we want, why it's called what we want, etc. (this would be impractical). However, the problem arises when people decide that every answer should be quick and easy, and they don't care enough to explore the whole issue (often despite the fact that they brought the issue forth). To some extent we all suffer from a lack of patience in this respect from time to time (though many are a lot better than others-- notably these people get better and better with time, while others in the impatient category often get worse)<-- Of course it isn't as black and white as my words make it to be, there is certainly a lot of grey.

One solution to this (and their are many, be creative) is to never give your opinion around these people, and if they ask what is wrong then tell them you feel that your opinions would not only be repressed, but worse they wouldn't even be considered-- just don't become a snob doing this. :)

Ignorance and apathy (silence too) do lead to evil, because they allow it. Watch yourself though, because knowledge and fanatacism lead to evil because they create it (with the help of deception).

Say, but if you don't agree with this that's fine it is a general statement and it relies on the semantics of the words, I just feel that the gist of it is true and it may get you to think about your actions and statements more carefully (just don't go scrutinizing everyone of my posts based on this statement :wink: )

Anyways, don't be too uptight about those people, often you can just ignore them or enjoy them as a cynic or as if they were a natural phenomenon like the wind (know that's an idea :idea: )


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