Alright time for my big reply to all this...I'll try and answer as much as I see:
markedman247 wrote:Now, this is the one thing I find funny (almost perverse) is that throughout all of the "coping" done in the LCL, Shinji awakens and finds Asuka beside him. The first thing he does is attempt to choke her. Yep, Shinji learned his lesson. Life is great. He has a purpose. And now, its time to choke out a woman that kinda hurt him as much as anyone. He may have loved her but that wasn't love. The crying showed love... in that... "Oh lord, did not I learn anything?" sorta way.
The reason for him choking her is to validate his own existence. He was just in the LCL and all that "trippy" stuff yes? He choked her since it validates that he is back on earth and in "true" reality. Another more obvious reason is because that was the last thing he was doing to her. And even if he finds himself and his own self-worth, that doesn't at all mean that he doesn't get angry when people hurt him. That's a natural thing.
Savia wrote:By the way, I was always mystified why noone ever asked what Gendo 'said' to Ritsuko before shooting her. It may be trivial, even unimportant, but damn it's annoying. My bet would be "Ritsuko, I am your father." Even though it doesn't fit the timeline, Ritsuko does call him a liar after...
He says "I truly did love you." I believe it's on one the trading cards from Gainax or something. Oh and thanks for saying what I said are "facts." I hate how people think most of this is opinions...most of it is IN THE SHOW. Also yeah, I agree on the Chairman Keel thing and sorry if I gave the impression of fact.
First off, let me state this since this will seem a bit flamatory. Omni, you're my friend and I respect you, but I wholeheartedy disagree with you on this. Also...let me post this again since you did not read the entire thread (which I think is common courtesy when replying

dwchang wrote:One quick disclaimer: If you hate Evangelion and so on and have some stupid comment to say, I do ask politely that you don't. This is obviously an Evangelion thread for Evangelion fans to discuss things. I was kind enough not to post in the "Dubs" thread at the request of Omnistrata and thus ask the same courtesy be shown. for your actual post since it's not "stupid comments"...
Omnistrata wrote:How can I [not you, ME] possibly enjoy a series where the director practically says "fuck you" to his audience. He recieved hate-mails and death threats [and then shows them! what nerve!] and still keeps going? I heard he killed himself already. Till I hear otherwise, I can only say, damn, what loss of great potential...
Look at this way...say you created something that was your life work (which Eva is for Anno) and people loved it up until the very end, which is the entire meaning..the entire reason for this work. They reject your "true" ending...they send you death threats...DEATH THREATS about it. Would you not be a bit frustrated that your supposed "fans" rejected what you wanted to say and worse...threatened to kill you over it?
I don't blame Anno one bit for his response to the fans rejecting and "not getting" his ending. I'm sure I would feel the same if my fans did a 180 on me like that. Loving me one minute and then being so fickle as to threaten me.
Omnistrata wrote:The ending has everyone killed. Why should I give a fuck of character development, relationships started etc. etc. No, I'm not a [must be happy ending] type of anime viewer, but the ending MUST have some point to it. Apparently, from what I see here, Anno just says, "fuck you" and like rips his own series to pieces.
As for him being depressed and whatnot, yeah that's how he felt PRIOR to the creation of Evangelion. In fact, Evangelion is his response to his depression and is really a story of his own struggles and how HE found self-worth. To a degree, he is Shinji.
At the same time, I hate to come across as mean, but I think you've completely misunderstood the meaning and plot of Evangelion (Again I suggest reading over the entire thread and namely my own LENGHTY post that explains things) and thus your reason for hatred...confusion (which isn't unheard of. Most people who hate the show don't understand it or come to the wrong conclusions).
The main thing I think you're missing is that Evangelion is depressing and everyone is dead. In fact, the opposite is true, it's uplifiting in that people find their self-worth/answers and are all still alive. The fact Shinji and Asuka came out of the LCL sea (people on Earth NEVER died...we lost our AT fields and became LCL) shows that EVERYONE on Earth can find their self-worth and lead happy lives where others don't define who we are. I find this ending QUITE uplifting and optimistic. And again...the people of Earth never died, they "evolved" to the next giant LCL ocean where we live without AT fields to hurt each other.
Omnistrata wrote:But in the end [a fitting phrase I might add...] it was all for shits. they all die. So why bother? Why care about something that starts up, then falls flat on its face?
But you see all of it DOES make never fell on it's face. It sets things up for the end. Every piece that is laid down plot-wise and character-wise adds to the eventual ending. I find it amazing how well everything links together (both in the surface plot and meaning). Almost everything was planned from the can tell based on how precise everything is and how it all ties in. It still amazes me.
I *strongly* suggest reading over this thread and possibly re-watching the show. I think you are missing something truly fundamental to the enjoyment and understanding of Evangelion and, again this'll sound mean, but I don't think you're that qualified to condemn it the way you so vocally do. At the same time, I don't mind people hating the show, but at the same time, I think they should at the very least read/think about things before blindly hating it for their own confusion. So yeah...please read things and watch it again...I think you might walk out differently the 2nd time and with certain knowledge.
Again please refer to my line above about the flammatory nature of this thread. You're still my buddy...feel free to IM me

P.S. Misato isn't anymore "real" than any of the other characters. She is another exaggeration of a personality trait that I'm sure all of us possess to a degree. I believe in Episode 25 they talk about how she has sex for her to validate her own existence and worth. How she puts on an exterior that is cheery, but inside is dealing with her own demons and so on. She is very similar to :gasp: Shinji. Shinji finds his worth from piloting an Eva and people accepting him and their impressions of him (not his own definition of who he is, but others)...he also hides all this. So yeah..all the characters are "real" in that they are exaggerations of "disorders" we possess.
Milliardo wrote:I can see where you're comming from. However, after reading this entire thread a new possibility occured to me. As dwchang said, episode 26 related only Shinji's thoughts, but everyone was going through a similar process, struggling to make the same decision. If Shinji made the choice to leave the LCL, maybe everyone else did as well. If shinji survived, perhaps everyone else did. I know that EoE shows Shinji and Asuka in a desolate place with no one else around, but that could just be the setting, like some remote island or something. The fact that Asuka is there though may actually lend some creedance to the idea that everyone else survived. Unless Liriel is in some way correct in that Asuka is just a representaion of different people Shinji knew, but I don't really see that.
Even still, the anime is only an attempt to illistrate what goes on inside our own minds. The character development was not for nothing even if everyone died because it represented in part the development we all go through. And yes, eventually we all die too. Hopefully that doesn't mean our own develoment is a waste.
Anyway, just a few thoughts.
I applaud such a well-thought reply. I think you say things quite well and I couldn't agree more. Given, I won't lie that the plot is pretty cool, but it's just a vehicle for exactly what you say above. As you said, the entire meaning is to show that everyone (even the viewer) can find their self-worth...their reasons for livng...not for others, but for yourself. Anno was using Eva as a vehicle to tell his own journey from depression to finally triumphing hoping (I guess) that some others might also find their answers. I find that...amazing. Bravo.
markedman47 wrote:I can see that this is one of those shows that mean a lot to people
Well first off, don't get me wrong, I'm not this hugely depressed person that got enlightened by the show (which may be shocking based on how much I know and how much I defend it). Even though I am happy within my own life, it's still great to see something so awesome and optimistic (even uplifting). I may already know what it was saying (within my own life), but to see a "cartoon" :gasp: do it just amazes me and thus why I defend it. It's probably the most meaningful anime I've ever seen and probably up there in terms of even "normal" movies. That's why I defend it. I just like it that much and what it stands for. So yeah...put down the phones for suicide hotline

. Funny how it's still not my #1 anime though...weird.
markedman47 wrote:Needless to say, I am still a bit skeptical about the show. There are several points that are always gonna be there for debate and I can't always see the POV of every poster.
I really did hate Evangelion. Still consider it a bit of a "haughty" anime. But, I have actually grown to accept it. I see it as something that could keep discourse going for a very long time. Remember its almost, if not, ten years old (you can correct me on this). How many shows can you say actually give reason and conversation about the events in the show 10 years after their making?
Well I can understand some skepticism, but I implore you to try and watch the show again with such knowledge and see what you get out of it. At the same time, I understand your hatred since at least demonstrated that you've read the thread and thought about it. PLEASE don't get me wrong people. I am not trying to be like "If you hate eva, you're stupid." I just ask that people at least think about it before basing an read the replies that TRY and explain things. That's the least you can do before hating something and ridiculing those that like it (which you're not doing and I appreciate it)
Oh and yeah, Eva is 10 years (maybe 11) old. And I many shows still create discussion that are that old? Only the great ones

. There must be a reason why we keep talking about

markedman47 wrote:Doing it with mechs was an ingenious idea but once you know the names of the angels, how they fit into the whole plan, and the plan by Man to try to attempt to evolve by his own hand and not through the will of a devine figure, it will step on a few toes. On one hand, man has free will but when free will tries to prove that God (or other Diety as per your belief) doesn't exist and that "ascension" can only be attained by man and man alone. Not that NGE shows that is how things should be, but Gendo tried and failed.
Yeah, you do a pretty good job of summing up the surface story (which is also slightly confusing). Basically SEELE wants man to evolve to a phase where we can't hurt each other with AT fields and live in our happy little worlds. This is done by defeating the Angels and causing Third Impact with the forbidden union of Adam and Lilith. That's all the plot really is. Again though, this is just a vehicle.
markedman47 wrote:As with the Matrix, no one can be completely told about NGE. They must experience it for themselves. Hatred or enlightenment. Answers or questions. As long as it makes you think, that's the point of it all. If it didn't, it wouldn't be the beloved or reviled classic that it is.
Yup. That's what I'm asking from you Omni

MrScribble wrote:Wait... Kaji got shot?
I thought Kaji shot someone else for being late.
Yup, he was shot. He knew too much and was even telling others about the secrets (like Misato). He said "Oh you're late" because he already expected he would be killed. He had accepted this and thus the non-chalant "Oh, you're late." It didn't tip you off when Misato cried at the answering machine message where he says goodbye?
Given, you're probably being sarcastic and making a joke