I bring you pain!Moonlight Soldier wrote:If this information proves false I shall virtually squash you like the little hope-infesting-bug you are bote.angelx03 wrote:Angel Sanctuary is getting a new OVA?bote wrote:Angel Sanctuary didn't end. They're releasing the new OVA's soon. Peh, I think the manga is much better. The actual anime is good, but there so many edited things that it's annoying. Read the manga to see how the story continues.
Where did you get this information?
No seriously, it was posted on one forum I go to. It's not in English so I doubt you guys will understand. But here it is:
http://net-junkie.org/forum/index.php?s ... =139&st=15
First post says those VIZ or something got official licence for Angel Sanctuary. So, it's most likely to be true!