Do ugly anime characters turn you off to a good anime?

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Post by DTJB » Wed Apr 13, 2005 2:35 pm

x_rex30 wrote:Anyways, DTJB, what the fuck are you saying? You have no idea what my tastes are you fucktard, so quite generalizing. My tastes in anime varies, and sometimes I like a good anime to admire the art, and I'm a big fan of depth in plot and characterization. Quite trying to smack talk me when all your doing is making a bunch of generalizations without much to back it up. :|
All right. I think I'm clear on how you feel now. I just didn't understand your earlier comments clear enough. From what you said, I thought you meant that you value the looks of the artwork in anime over everything else that the anime has to offer. After reading them again, it's apparent that I misunderstood what you said. Sorry about that, and sorry about calling you a kid. But easy on who you call a fucktard next time. They may take it a little too personally.
Probably too busy to be here right now.

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Post by Rorschach » Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:57 pm

I would say that defining beauty is a half-and-half proposition: some of it is inherent in certain aspects of the one beheld, and some of it is in the eye of the beholder. Biologically speaking, we probably do have instincts that have us preferring physical aspects that imply fertility and potency in those who have them. Other aspects of beauty are very obviously not inherent, such as clothing. For just one example, I read in Stephen King's autobiography that he always liked seeing "trailer trash and women dressed like hookers" whereas I've always found such mannerisms and clothing repugnant.

It occurs to me, though, that beauty isn't necessarily all that attracts a man's attention to a given story or anime. In a preview of Cowboy Bebop, I recall Jet saying that the next episode was rather depressing and didn't have much of anyone in it except middle-aged men. He was undoubtedly joking when he said that therefore only older men should watch it, but I did find that the preview made me all the more eager to see that episode, and it certainly did live up to its preview's promises. In fact, it was rather nice to have a story entirely about homely middle-aged men for a change.

A woman can also draw a guy's attention without being especially attractive. Eleanor Roosevelt was certainly never very sexually attractive, but she was very photogenic, as one sees in the old photographs and films of her. I don't know whether Condoleeza Rice would be attractive to black guys (I'm not into black women myself), but she certainly merits my admiration when I see her in news photograps these days. I don't even like Hillary Clinton, and she's definitely not very pretty, but I have to admit she looks rather impressive too.

As for characters in anime, I think they give a good the series a good first impression when they're (A) beautiful, (B) impressive, or (C) obviously and intentionally goofy. (For an example of C, observe Vash from Trigun.) I have yet to see an impressive lead woman in anime who wasn't also beautiful (although Iria comes to mind as less sexually attractive than some, and there was a tough trucker woman in one episode of Cowboy Bebop), but I think a tough granny or some pirate lady with an eyepatch and a cross-shaped scar on her face might work well as a lead in some anime. I could also see a really fat woman (as in Michael Moore-sized) working well as the main character in a romantic comedy.

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Post by DinaDani » Thu Apr 14, 2005 1:59 am

Sometime ago, when Tenshi na Konamaiki came out, I gave up after the second episode or something. The grainy-ness of the series was something I really didn't like and I quickly gave up the series after that. Shame, because the anime might have been decent, but the art-style just wasn't my cup of tea.

On the other hand, I'm really enjoying Gundam Seed at the moment, without being a raving gundam of mecha fan at all. The vivid colours, the characters, the storyline (not applyable in this thread but the major highpoint of Gseed imo), everything is so well done that it makes it easier and more enjoyable to watch.

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Post by Halo Sorceress » Thu Apr 14, 2005 6:43 pm


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Post by borpii » Thu Apr 14, 2005 9:41 pm

Ugly + Bad storyline= D not watching that title.
It takes me time to get into ugly anime, but if it has a good story, I lurve them no matter what. Zatch Bell, I couldn't get into though.

I watched Lupin even though years of Looney Tunes and Scooby Doo turned me off of the 'old look', and I'm so glad I suffered through the deprived style!

Lots of pretty shows have no plot, and they have all started running together. Some good examples of "didn't I see this before?" titles are that Tokyo Mew Mew thing, Pretear, Comic Party, I could go on...
I like Pretear and I Love Comic Party, but they run together; they mix with the other new sparkly shows and I begin to have trouble differentiating between them.
Frankly uglies give the show character and memorability...

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Post by OtakuMan22 » Fri Apr 15, 2005 7:34 am

Frankly uglies give the show character and memorability...


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Post by KagomeSakuraMoon » Fri Apr 15, 2005 7:58 am

I mean,*sigh* if the story is good I might be able to work past the ugly drawings.....but i mean i have seen some uuggggglllllyyyy drawings and I just couldn't get past them to watch and or read it.
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Post by OtakuMan22 » Fri Apr 15, 2005 9:39 am

Don't forget that ugly drawings != (nerd speak for "Does Not Equal") ugly characters. Perfect Blue, for example, has fugly FUGLY characters, but sweet sweet drawings and fluid animation. Whereas something like, say...

...Gekiganger 3 has some nice looking characters but not the highest quality animation (of course in that example, that was on purpose!)

I think we can all learn to love the fugly people if we give them a chance! :)

And I still really like how D-Reaper put the new stuff:
they run together; they mix with the other new sparkly shows and I begin to have trouble differentiating between them.
Man, I could not put it better myself!



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