Inuyasha Pet Peeves

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Post by morokufan37 » Wed Jun 29, 2005 3:29 pm

i dont like how stupid kagome always forgets to use her bow!!!!!!!!! :evil:
then she will suddenly remember to use it and then she always wins because she used it :roll:

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Lady of the Veil
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Post by Lady of the Veil » Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:17 am

Kagome and her school uniform, especially the fact that it's a short mini skirt. If I was going to hop down an enchanted well to the feudal era and remember to bring stupid crap like hairspray I might want to consider a change of clothes, preferably pants. Even Sango changes her dress/kimono(sp?) when she fights demons. How stupid do you have to be to attempt to fight demons in a short skirt that looks like it would showcase your underware at the slightest gust of wind (and her in the company of a known pervert! :roll: )? And her poor mom must have to spend a fortune replacing all those uniforms Kagome has destroyed. She deserves whatever she gets.

Sorry for the small rant

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Post by EmilLang1000 » Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:54 am

The only thing I really can't stand about it is that there seems to be no end in sight; the Manga has been giong on for longer than Ranma 1/2, and just as it seems that there will be an ending for the series coming up, SOMETHING has to go wrong, and the characters get absolutley no where nearer to collecting all the shards or killing Naraku.
Let's look at the other major shows Rumiko Takahashi has done:

Lum* Urusei Yatsura - Sitcom; no real specific goal the characters are trying to reach, just that Lum likes Ataru, Ataru likes her but won't admit it, and the 500 other characters that get in the way of that ever happening

Maison Ikokku - Dramadey; YES, there's a minor goal - Godai and Kyoko admitting to one another that they love each other - but it's just enough that it's something to move the plot along, allowing it to be slightly long.

Ranma 1/2 - Uber-Sitcom; IS there a plot to Ranma? And does it really need one? The fact that Ranma is trying to find a cure for the curse is little more than a plot device, and, let's face it, Ranma would only ever admit that he loves Akane if he thought she were dead (*AHEMLASTCHAPTERAHEM*); that story could have gone one FOREVER and still probably would've been funny - it was the Japanese Simpsons

Inu-Yasha - Action/Fantasy; VERY specific goals that need to be met, and were established early on enough that the series, by all logic, SHOULD have been perhaps 150 TV episodes long; but NOOOOO, it had to take 167 episodes to tell only about 3/4 of the actual story, which hasn't ended yet, and we'll only see the ending of the show WHEN Rumiko Takahashi finishes it AND they release that ending as something like a 6-9 part OVA. WTF? :evil:
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Post by IamSano » Sat Jul 02, 2005 11:25 am

Rurounikeitaro wrote:I like how you said "10" and you wrote more than ten. No, really, I did, I was laughing! I would do one of those with probably 30 things I hate about the show, but then I'll get people with usernames like Inuyashamyhubby, GoInuyasha, Kagomaizhot23, and Myrakuzecksy53 posting back talking crap......along with org join dates between April 1st to today.

Rumiko has already made 3 shows already so there's a possibility she'll start another one. As long as it doesn't have demon slaying and anorexic chicks in mini skirts, I'll watch it.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Good stuff man.
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Post by bloodyhawk » Sat Jul 02, 2005 10:04 pm

ok since everyone hates inuyasha ill actually answer to the question!

i hate the romance in inuyasha and i want inuyasha to KILL KAGOME and i want him to choose his demon form MUHAHAHAHAHA yes i know im evil but thats just the way i am. :twisted:

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Post by enternal_inu_fan » Mon Jul 04, 2005 12:31 am

okay i'm on of those indifferent ppl. (and i don't type properly when i don't have to...i also can't spell unless i have to) I agree all of u have pointed out major flaws in inuyasha but i like it anyway dispite the fact that i haven't seen it in over a year. excpet to rent the first movie which i admit wasn't at all great. what bothers me about the show is
1. even though the character's clothes are damaged beyond repair they end up being perfect the next time. but this is something common the most anime.
2. i just really want it to end so i can have closure and stop watching it. but i'd buy the dvds once i find/borrow/steal/make enough money.
what u all have said has acctually been pretty funny. lol. ha ha ha. really so i don't mind or care at all. (hey each his own) but i still like the show. sorry to disapoint. :P what i like about it out weighs what i dislike about it. then again i don't have high expectations. anyway i just like the coloring of the anime. the color is amazing and vived. also i just love the music. i love instrumental stuff.
... a love like no other...Kagome & Inu-Yasha...

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Post by Rurounikeitaro » Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:58 pm

morokufan37 wrote:i dont like how stupid kagome always forgets to use her bow!!!!!!!!! :evil:
then she will suddenly remember to use it and then she always wins because she used it :roll:
........what a your username..... :lol:

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Dylan's forcelance
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Post by Dylan's forcelance » Wed Jul 06, 2005 12:49 am

oh man.......


*ahem* as I was saying, I liked it at first, but it dragged on for far to freakin' long. Some shows I actually cry when they end and I scream "WHY!?" then I run screaming into the night in wallowing misery. but I must say that WILL NOT happen with inuyasha. Nope. As for pet peeves, I can't stand the stupid flee thing. I mean, WTF man!? That thing is so annoying, and always runs off, ditching them so that they can be killed by a huge demon thing (which also get more and more stupid looking as the series progresses) If I were Kagome, (thank god that I am not, because she is irritating as well) I would bring some flea spray from the future and kill that litter bugger! She has a cat ya know! I am sure she could find some flea spray lying around. But no. Instead she brings schoolbooks, hairspray, and crap...... Idiot kagome....
*pant, pant* phew! that felt good to get off my chest. thankyou for making this thread. I needed that little vent. I hope my words were not offensive to anyone. If they were, then a word of advice, don't go to threads that are begging for bi*@#ers like me to vent. (Hee hee)

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Post by staces » Wed Jul 06, 2005 1:29 am

Teeheee, I've NEVER liked InuYasha (aside from bits I've seen with Sesshomaru and have no shame in admitting that is ENTIRELY the pretty-factor) but it has afforded me some very enjoyable times with my mother. Back when it first came on Cartoon Network my sister worked while it was on and had my mother and I tape it for her. Since we're dumb and can't tape something and change the channel (and we only had one TV) we got stuck watching it and relentlessly mocked it together! XD The first ep we saw was the one with the frog thing. It was acouple of years ago but I just remember something about "Tad-souls" (instead of tadpoles ;P) :lol: Aaaanyways, yes that was off topic, but our mocking got my sis to stop watching it AND it opened up my mother to liking better animes, so InuYasha hasn't been all bad for me.

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Post by Dylan's forcelance » Wed Jul 06, 2005 7:29 pm

A good story of relentless mocking. I love it! :twisted:


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