Speak English man! And use the quote tages correctly please.plumbcrzy wrote:[quote="And did they explain materia? No.
they materia made the dude able to shoot fire and that is wut it did in the game it gave u magic and that is wut it did in the movie
Anyway, I know they used the materia to make fireballs appear and to summon bahamut. But are you looking at the movie from the eyes of someone who NEVER played the game? I'm looking back on it using that mindsence and what I found was that there was a lot of key features in the movie that were left untold. What was the importance of the flower bed? What exactly is the deal with Sephiroth? Who is the hyper girl with all those glowing things? Why is a red dog talking? Who is Vincent? What are those cell phones made out of? What does dilly dally shilly shally mean? It has been summed up before and I will say if for hopefully the last time so we can get back to talking about the good stuff in this damn movie...
It was not made for the masses, only those who played the game. Final Fantasy VII has been milked to its fullest, now with The Dirge of Cerberus out as a Devil May Cry type of game. I'm wating for Final Fantasy VII Tycoon. Sell the franchise in as many ways as you can, but it must please an angry mob of Cloud obsessed fanboys with spikey blond hair.
I'm done. TTFN.