20? This guy is 20 and his dad can still beat him, sell his car, and ground him?Char the second wrote:TheRealNeoHentaiMaster wrote:one time my dad caught me watching DBZ and tearing up a bit cause it the ep where freiza kills krillian and goku goes super sayian, and he beat for what seemed like an hour, it didnt hurt though cause hes a pussy, but then took my TV away, sold my car, and grounded me for a month. My mom was crying while she watched him hit me, but later she slapped me too and said I deserved it. What a dumb whore. I swore to them though I wasnt a faggot, why wont they beleive me. Im so moving out next year when I turn 21.
hahaah ya my dad did that too but it was with the ninja scroll movie and he thought i was hentai. haha except he just beat me.
Neither of my parents has hit me since I was...what...eleven?
I don't know anyone whose parents have such an objection to them watching anime. Sure, they may think it's weird, but beat them for watching it? No way. That's...scary.