Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls of all ages! I present to you what we do with n00bs (and other people who are out of control)
Official Gundam Boards Forum Flame: Version 1.0
Dear: Gogetasan85
[X] Clueless Newbie
[X] Winger
[ ] SEEDling
[ ] UC Elitist
[ ] SD Gundam hater
[ ] Dub-hater
[ ] Pirate
[X] Obsessive Fanboy
[ ] Bandwagon Jumper
[ ] Japanese-wanna be
[ ] Person who failed basic grade school English
[ ] Insane Yaoi Fan
[ ] Out of Control Gundam Board Veteran
[ ] Versus Topic Creator
[ ] l33t d00d
[ ] Other:
You Are Being Flamed Because
[ ] You posted the thousandth thread about how "st00pid" SEED's director is.
[ ] You posted Shakti pr0n.
[ ] You posted yaoi.
[ ] You made a bashing topic in an attempt to look cool.
[ ] You insulted the quality of dubbed animation just because it is dubbed.
[ ] You claimed (insert Gundam series here) was butchered.
[ ] You are in denial that all Gundam is a childrens show.
[ ] You asked where you can download Gundam episodes.
[ ] You posted a X > Y thread.
[ ] You claim Japan is the perfect country.
[ ] You made a Versus Topic. Have you no shame?
[X] You are constantly wrong, but deny it.
[ ] You posted an "(Insert Gundam series here) sucks" thread.
[ ] You posted a "This board sucks/ is dying" thread.
[ ] You asked if Wing Zero was in Journey to Jaburo.
[ ] You won't stop ranting about how good 0083 is.
[ ] You won't stop whining about how bad 0083 is.
[ ] You posted a joke topic that wasn't funny.
[X] You posted false information and/or did not back up your claims or opinions.
[ ] You, once again, begged for Gameshark codes for Encounters in Space.
[ ] You cannot deal with the fact that G Gundam is a Super Robot show.
[X] You posted something totally stupid, incoherent, and/or without paragraph breaks.
[ ] You failed to respect the Insubordination Kick!.
[ ] You posted a message written in all CAPS (oR aLtErNaTiNg CaPs).
[ ] I don't like your tone of voice.
[ ] You mentioned Gihren's Greed in every other sentence.
[ ] Other:
To Repent, You Must:
[ ] Give up your AOL Internet account.
[ ] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor.
[ ] Actually post something relevant.
[X] Be gundamtotoro's neko love slave for a day.
[X] Be Bridget's love slave until s/he says s/he's had enough.
[ ] Set tangowr's Master Asia picture as your computers background for a week.
[ ] You and Mora Boscht. Manly lovin'. NOW!
[ ] Delete all of your pirated Gundam episodes.
[ ] Politely apologize to everybody on this forum.
[X] End every other sentence you type with ", mon" for the rest of the day.
[ ] Ask your parents to watch G-Saviour with you.
[ ] Go stand in the middle of a freeway.
[ ] Close your account and give us all 20 dollars.
[ ] SHUT UP!
[ ] Close your topic.
[ ] Admit you have no clue what you are talking about.
[ ] Other:
In Closing, I'd Like to Say:
[ ] Get a life.
[ ] Get an elementary school education.
[X] Use spellcheck.
[ ] Never post again.
[ ] I pity your dog.
[ ] I think your IQ must be 6.
[ ] You make people with an IQ of 6 look good.
[ ] Your momma...
[X] Take your crap somewhere else.
[X] Would you like some cheese with that whine?
[ ] Do us all a favor and jump into some industrial equipment.
[ ] I hope a platypus stabs you with its poisonous ankle spurs and you die from an allergic reaction.
[ ] Go play Dress-Up Barbie Online(tm).
[ ] There are no comebacks.
[ ] Other:
[ ] All of the above.
*Note: The above form is reserved by use of any veteran to
"Anime and Manga - Gundam" board at A wish to use this anywhere without proper concent from me or any other of the above persons will result in us forming you. Thank you and have a nice day.*