I whole-heartedly concur. I was actually rooting for ZAFT and Shinn in the series. The whole reason the second war started up in that series is because Lacus Clyne and Kira Yamato fucked the whole world over. "Yes, let's drag out the war by fighting BOTH SIDES at the same time, and simply throwing all alliances to the wind." In effect, what they caused was World War III without the comfort of knowing who your enemies were.Heero_Yuy84 wrote: *Gundam SEED DESTINY
If you ever need proof of the old axiom 'Too many cooks spoil the broth' this is a classic example.
The show started out seeming like it could go places...then, somewhere after the first batch of episodes, the GAce fanlistings came out. With these, the studio was prettymuch put at the mercy of what the fans wanted...on everything...as a result, it turned from Gundam SEED DESTINY, a 'could work' followup to a series that had room for improvement...and turned into 'The Kira Yamato and Lacus Clyne Super Peacetime Power Half-Hour.' Any sense of planned storytelling went out the window and the show became so badly rushed on the fly, they had to make an extended version of the final episode in order to tie up the loose ends (...and even that was a pretty bad job of it)
And of course, it's Clyne in the series that wears the pants in the relationship. Kira needs to seriously grow a pair, or work at an abortion clinic.
I have yet to see a Gundam series where the main protagonist is smart enough to get the HELL away from the seductive yet manipulative female lead. Every time the guy falls for the girl in Gundam, his career is ruined, and he usually ends up court-martialed (0083: Stardust Memory), permanently crippled (08th MS Team), or killed (0080: War in the Pocket). Even in the case of Gundam Wing, the fate is far worse. You can't tell me Relena is worth it, no matter how good she gives head.