Who understood the Ending of End of Evangelion? [SPOILERS]

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Post by Propyro » Mon May 05, 2003 5:10 pm

AtomicWeezleman wrote:second angel???, you mean the first to attack tokyo 3?? that was the third angel (adam, lillith, Sachiel) (bit of trivia, sachiel was supposed to be the angel of the moon....) he did actualy blow up......oh no self ditruct.......is that the eva 's true form???, but yes your quite right, not every angel blew up, i only explained why, when i said all the angels blew up, i meant figuratively in relation to the ones blowing up due to their kei being distroyed.........maybe i should have explained better....
no, i meant the second angel that shinji fought, the one with the laser tentacles in episode ... umm 4? when toji and that military freak kid had to go into unit 01's core. Shinji went nuts and charged at teh angel and stabbed it's kai with his knife and it died when his batteries ran out and they were stuck in their positions for a while

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Post by AtomicWeezleman » Mon May 05, 2003 5:16 pm

shit man, thats true, hmm, well, my theory has been seriously flawed....(more useless trivia, the 4th angel was the angel of the sun...)
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Post by Propyro » Mon May 05, 2003 5:18 pm

Savia wrote:Asuka was definitely dead. As I said earlier, Maya calls this information out to Shinji over the intercom whilst he is next to the bakelite-coated Unit-01. They evidently have a lot of diagnostic equipment in Central Dogma, and I don't think that they'd be wrong on this. Also, if she was alive, I'd think that they'd make a point of telling you so :P
ok but if i recal in ep 2 when shinji's eva went bezerk on the angel (the tirdone, sachariel, but the first oen you see him fihgt) didn't unit 01 go totaly silent and they got no life signs from it untill it went bezerk and was fully active again? i'm not sure i still think asuka was kinda resurected when she came (or was taken) out of the LCL, but I probably missed a big part of the movie that explained that she was dead in rather subtle ways.

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Post by AtomicWeezleman » Mon May 05, 2003 5:21 pm

you really have to see the film again, id lend u mine, but your in canada, so, u suck....good point, but, they wouldave said theve lost life signs rather than shes dead....
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Post by Propyro » Mon May 05, 2003 5:36 pm

AtomicWeezleman wrote:you really have to see the film again, id lend u mine, but your in canada, so, u suck....good point, but, they wouldave said theve lost life signs rather than shes dead....
well thanks for the offer, but i already own the dvd ... first anime product i've bought :D i jsut haven't gotten around to rewatching it, plus i have decent cable internet ... so getting a hold of that movie wouldn't be difficult.

But if you look at it this way, you have .. what 9 evas eating Asukas eva ... it would be reasonable to assume that she's dead when you see that and her life signs dissapear when the unit goes silent. plus when shinji went silent i think they just said his eva went silent and were trying to eject his plug, but the eva rejected the commands. hmm i gues si jsut shot a hole in my own argument ... oh well ... i guess i still want to think Asuka is still actualy alive at the end ...

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Post by AznRAVEr1022 » Mon May 05, 2003 8:04 pm

basically, in the end of EOE, Shinji goes mad cause he can't get laid and asks God to give him a dead Asuka to hump. Kinda reminds me of Quagmire


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Post by AtomicWeezleman » Tue May 06, 2003 5:45 am

yeah, that what i meant, if they had just lost contact with her, they would have said theyve lost life signs, but if she was dead, then they would say, shes dead.
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Post by Lyrs » Tue May 06, 2003 7:36 am

dwchang wrote:
Lyrs wrote:You're all on drugs. There was no meaning to EoE. It was all just a bunch of mal-drawned pictures.

Your point? We find meaning in it and enjoy, why do you feel the necessity to post in a thread specifically devoted to this and also feel the necessity to berate everyone? My guess is some security issue to be honest. Why else would you feel the need to insult everyoone on this and state your opinion as fact.
looks like i hit a nerve. And no, insultign people wwasn't my purpose. This is simply a stripped down basics view of eva.

As for attention hoggin...that's a far call. I would call it, spaming the thread because people need a dose of reality.

back to the topic. EoE had no meaning.

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Post by AtomicWeezleman » Tue May 06, 2003 7:44 am

then you obviously missed the whole point of the series, but that is your opinion, and i shall respect it, even thought i think its a load of bollocks.
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Post by Lyrs » Tue May 06, 2003 10:45 am

AtomicWeezleman wrote:then you obviously missed the whole point of the series, but that is your opinion, and i shall respect it, even thought i think its a load of bollocks.
I agree.

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