Well I wouldn't call Goku sweet ALL the time, lol, he's got a good heart,I know why people like him. ^.~ Those are the same characteristics that make me not like him very much - I just prefer the heroes/villains who *aren't* sensitive or sweet a majority of the time. And Goku is definitely a sweet one - the only time I like him is when he's fighting, and that usually lasts up until he shows mercy on his enemy (though I'm glad he didn't let Vegeta die - of course. ^_^;; ).
But speaking of dubs - omg, when I first realized Goku had a high pitched feminine voice I nearly died laughing. >.<;; I'm used to that being linked with effeminate characters in anime so it was a *huge* shock to my view of him. Didn't make me like him any more or less, but it was definitely different from the dub. And Vegeta - I really love his Japanese voice. It *is* the opposite of the dub (like Goku) - when they have him raising his voice in the dub he's really keeping a quiet tone so people shut up to hear him - that's more commanding than a character who has to shout to get attention. After hearing him in Japanese I won't watch it in English. ^_^;
but he can be really PISSY with people..lol! Especially in the good old Piccolo saga days.. wooo boy.. how much more Saiya_jin can you get? lol! Believe it or not, back then he didn't let ANYONE help him at all...and he seemed to get easily irritated... but all in all, yeah he's a sweet guy..but I believe he grew into a better person as the show moved on myself...
You're right though, I can see why you don't like him.. he's just not your type of character. =) Same here, i'm into heroes/villains who have been through hell mentally.. like Vegeta. He's my favorite.
Really? Hehe..When I first heard Goku's japanese voice I thought is was soooooooooo different.. not like a girl..but like an even higher pitched Bruce Lee or something..lol.. the girl who talks him is one of the best voice actors in my opinion. Krillin is talked by a girl too.. it's not an uncommon thing in japan..Akira Toriyama picked the voices for all the characters and I think he did a wonderful job!
Hey, have you heard Freeza's japanese voice? I mean he sounds kind of feminine... sophisticated... and yet demonic...One of my favorite voice actors EVER!!! Maybe my favorite. (NOTHING like the dub)
Arigatomyna, you're cool! I'm enjoying this chat!
Let me know if i'm buggin you or anything..
If anyone is wondering, I am a girl... i'm telling you because everyone always calls me a HE..o.O Doesn't SSJ_Mitsuka sound like a girls name?