Gundam Series Recommendations

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Post by Zero » Sun Sep 12, 2004 7:12 pm

*Spoilers afoot! Read at your own risk!*
Mroni wrote:Gundam seed is so much better than all the other gundam crap I can call it a different series. The whole idea behind Newtypes is stupid.
Mu La Flaga and Rau La Cruset are Newtypes. It's the only AU that has confirmed Newtypes in the series. Besides, Newtypes are cool, If you've seen the battles between Char and Amuro, you'll definetly see what I mean.
Heero_Yuy84 wrote:Because genetic supermen with the ability to suddenly go into a super-mode is just THAT much better off.
Affectionately named: SEED-Mode. It actualy makes for very funny AMV's.

Phade wrote:(I've actually promised to spend some time with my wife now. It's "happy Friday time".)

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Post by Heero_Yuy84 » Mon Sep 13, 2004 12:57 am

Mroni wrote:Gundam seed is so much better than all the other gundam crap I can call it a different series.
Actually, looking back, I can't help but find this statement deliciously ironic. Given that a great deal of SEED's elements were actually gleaned from earlier Gundam series:

Some examples of this:
-The opening of the series parallels the beginning of 0079 in many respects:
1. Gundams being developed on a neutral colony are attacked by enemy MS
2. Gundam defeats MS, but at the same time, punches a hole in the colony jeopardizing everyone in it
3. Earth ship (with Gundam in tow) flees to a base where they're arrested by their superior officers who don't believe their base can be infiltrated by the enemy
4. Atmospheric entry battle in which everyone thinks the Gundam will be toast, but it comes through unscathed

-The character of Andy is basically a rehashing of Ramba Ral from the original series, however, with an ending that lacks the sting Ral provided.
While Ral chooses to plummet to his death rather than be captured alive by the enemy, Andy somehow cheats death because the director of the series deemed him too cool to kill

-Rau Le Creuset...real originality here...following in the long and illustrious line of masked Gundam villains... Char, Korozo, Cronicle, Zechs, and, to a lesser extent, Urube and Harry Ord.

-The EA's Gundam trio...see, this is part that makes the NT comment really funny since, technically, the EA's 'Human CPUs' seem to show similar behaviour to the Artificial Newtypes featured in Zeta, ZZ, and Char's Counterattack

-The Astray girl team...V Gundam already did this in the form of Shrike team (which, to the best of my knowledge, were a good deal more popular with the fans than Astray team)

-The Genesis...a giant cannon in space you say? ...There's one that hasn't been tried before (...well...unless you count the Solar Ray, Grypps, and, to a lesser extent, Libra)

My point with all of this?

Well, it's really nowhere near as different as you think. As a matter of fact, many fans (not just me talking here) have actually grilled the series for borrowing so much from previous titles (and from what's been shown of Destiny so far, it looks like the cycle shall continue)
*Resident shameless Gundam fanboy*

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Post by Zero » Mon Sep 13, 2004 7:55 pm

Official Gundam Boards Forum Flame: Version 1.0
Dear: Mroni
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[ ] Winger
[X] SEEDling
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[ ] You posted the thousandth thread about how "st00pid" SEED's director is.
[ ] You posted Shakti pr0n.
[ ] You posted yaoi.
[ ] You made a bashing topic in an attempt to look cool.
[ ] You insulted the quality of dubbed animation just because it is dubbed.
[ ] You claimed (insert Gundam series here) was butchered.
[ ] You are in denial that all Gundam is a childrens show.
[ ] You asked where you can download Gundam episodes.
[ ] You posted a X > Y thread.
[ ] You claim Japan is the perfect country.
[ ] You made a Versus Topic. Have you no shame?
[ ] You are constantly wrong, but deny it.
[ ] You posted an "(Insert Gundam series here) sucks" thread.
[ ] You posted a "This board sucks/ is dying" thread.
[ ] You asked if Wing Zero was in Journey to Jaburo.
[ ] You won't stop ranting about how good 0083 is.
[ ] You won't stop whining about how bad 0083 is.
[ ] You posted a joke topic that wasn't funny.
[X] You posted false information and/or did not back up your claims or opinions.
[ ] You, once again, begged for Gameshark codes for Encounters in Space.
[ ] You cannot deal with the fact that G Gundam is a Super Robot show.
[X] You posted something totally stupid, incoherent, and/or without paragraph breaks.
[ ] You failed to respect the Insubordination Kick!.
[ ] You posted a message written in all CAPS (oR aLtErNaTiNg CaPs).
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[ ] You mentioned Gihren's Greed in every other sentence.
[X] Other: Being an obsesive SEED Fanboy

To Repent, You Must:
[ ] Give up your AOL Internet account.
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[X] You and Mora Boscht. Manly lovin'. NOW!
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[ ] End every other sentence you type with ", mon" for the rest of the day.
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[ ] Get a life.
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[ ] I pity your dog.
[ ] I think your IQ must be 6.
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[ ] Your momma...
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[X] Do us all a favor and jump into some industrial equipment.
[ ] I hope a platypus stabs you with its poisonous ankle spurs and you die from an allergic reaction.
[ ] Go play Dress-Up Barbie Online(tm).
[ ] There are no comebacks.
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Phade wrote:(I've actually promised to spend some time with my wife now. It's "happy Friday time".)

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Coaxel Ethereal
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Post by Coaxel Ethereal » Mon Sep 13, 2004 8:48 pm

your "I’m a cool non-noob" list is getting old zero, plus it takes up unnecessary space

As to the original post 8th ms team and wing are by far my favorites, 8th has enough of everything with updated animation. Wing is just enjoyable to watch.

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Post by Otohiko » Mon Sep 13, 2004 9:03 pm

Zero Serenity wrote: [X] You and Mora Boscht. Manly lovin'. NOW!

But who are you to say that's not exactly what Mr. Oni wants? :lol:

And I know he does :roll:
The Birds are using humanity in order to throw something terrifying at this green pig. And then what happens to us all later, that’s simply not important to them…

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Kajino Rei
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Post by Kajino Rei » Mon Sep 13, 2004 9:09 pm

Ok, why is this thread alive still?
Why won't it DIE. :twisted:
To much needless flaming for taste, plus:
How can Mr. Oni be a newbie if his join date is 14 Aug 2001?
Yours is 11 Jul 2004, Zero Serenity.
He joined almost three full years before you did...
Heck you joined after I did.
Doesn't make any sense; unless the newbie comment refers to a Gundam "newbie".
Even so, it’s not worth it.
Trust me, people by now know how much I enjoy verbally leveling people here but it's not without merit that I do so...

:twisted: Guide to how NOT to behave in the ORG

Resident "If you're stupid, I'll kill you" Katana Wielding Woman.


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