Q2:CliffD wrote:Okay, this one is from Shoujo Kakumei Utena. In fact, it's from REALLY EARLY in the series (just started watching this again).
The day following the "love letter" incident (and AFTER Utena gets "engaged" to Anthy -- YOU know how!), Utena goes to class to see how Wakaba's doing. She sees Wakaba with her nose in a book.
The question: What is the title of the book?
This question comes from the original animation music video for Chage and Aska's song On Your Mark. That's right, the music video done by Miyazaki Hayao.
In an opening scene, you see a group of police assault vehicles flying (yes, FLYING) through a tunnel. As they emerge from the tunnel, you see their main target: a skyscraper housing what is apparently a religious cult. There is a HUGE message, in the form of a neon sign, wrapped around the building, that can be read as the police are approaching.
The question: What is the message?