Ah, yeah I made two simple image mattes under the assumption I was going to have time to use them. Basically I wanted to use that lip-syncing scene with Minmei and have it split-screen...as opposed to overlayed. It worked out regardless. It also gave me the opportunity to "talk" to you guysAshyukun wrote:(been gone in the city since yesterday afternoon)
We saw you making what looked like an image matte in Photoshop, but I don't think we saw you put in the lens flare- we were paying a lot of attention to the hosts and the videos they were showing- esp. since "Who Let the 'Fros Out" was one of the first ones they showed...

Damn, it would've been funny since I told you I would put a Lens Flare in for you and then for you to see me do that as the first thing