Your Favorite Anime (Read first post)

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Big Dumb Face
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Post by Big Dumb Face » Sat Sep 15, 2007 9:58 am

Good God almighty, just one favorite? Thats like asking me to choose my favorite kid! ...if I had kids... which I don't... but if I did, my favorite would be sophie, sh'es such a cutie!
OK! Seriousness, here's the top 3 (in no particular order)

Anime: Full Metal Alchemist

Reasons: Its just the right length. So many anime have tooooo many eps (167 of inuyasha? 291 of DBZ?? 621 Detective Conans!!?!?!?!??!?!??!) Also the characters are interesting, well developed, and likable (even the villians) The Ed and Al make such a good pair and are perfect foils for each other. It also keeps the perfect balance of going between the grotesquely serious, to the ridiculously light-hearted; which keeps in well with the show's theme. Everything must be in balance, equivalent exchange. And theres a movie, which always rocks.

Anime: Cowboy Bebop

Reasons; OK OK, i know this one is obvious but it's just good. It has a beginning, middle, and end (it's surprising how many anime acutally don't) and someone dies at the end! But I think what really makes this one is the Music. It blends perfectly with the anime and is so integral that one can hardly seperate one from the other. Stroke of genius to get Yoko Kanno and the Seatbelts on this one. Not too mention excellent casting (in japanese, if you say you prefer the dub, I swear I'll find you)

Anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion

I know alot of people will put this so I won;t expound on the characters or the mech or the theological philisophical stuff. Those who have seen it know most of my reasons for liking it. Those who have not should get off the computer right now and go watch it. I guaruntee you that at least one of your friends already owns the box set or at least the downloaded version. But this on is FUCKED UP! The best anime are the ones where you are unable to walk or see straight after you've finished them. My wife has actually watched the whole seriea=s on the computer in one sitting (took her a few days to recover after that) my shortest span is 3 days, and even that messed me up pretty good
God, waste not an angel on me.

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Post by Sukunai » Mon Sep 17, 2007 2:55 pm

I've been watching anime now for years.

I have only just now started to actually buy it. I chose Air TV.

Reason. Well, the sound track is so utterly perfect. I can listen to it endlessly all day (I have already done this before too).
And the story, it's both beautiful, but sad, but hopeful. The series is finite, it would cost me a fortune to get it.

Although I began watching anime thanks to Ranma, and I think Oh My Goddess (A My Goddess to some) is possibly the most pure story I have ever watched in anime.
But, well Ranma would cost me a small fortune, and OMG is a bit pricy too now that a 3rd tv season is in the works.

But I have yet to ever love an anime series OST before, other than Air TV.
Anime, one of the few things about the internet that doesn't make me hate the internet.

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Post by Sukunai » Mon Sep 17, 2007 2:57 pm

edit, read wouldn't cost me a fortune to get it.

Dang wish we could edit posts. Insert into the above post :)
Anime, one of the few things about the internet that doesn't make me hate the internet.

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Post by robotwo » Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:41 am

.HACK// series

reason: For being a enormous universe about a solid plot, spread over varying media. I mean , I wouldn't have too much against geting stuck in a MMORPG with hyper-realistic graphics , awesome BGM and cool characters...

I think out of all the characters i like Shugo Kunisaki & Tsukasa most , mainly because their both total newbies at "the world", and still get to gain ultimate hacking powers.
.Hack// is my life...

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Post by furrykitty » Thu Sep 27, 2007 3:46 pm

Anime : Ah! My Goddess

Reason(s) : I absolutely loved the story line.

I had seen other anime like the Cowboy Bebop and Trigun series. We watched those from start to finish one weekend a few years back and I thought they were very good. They just didn't captivate me like Belldandy and Keiichi did.

I admit freely I'm a sucker for a good love story and I enjoy comedies so this one was love at first sight for me. I watched the first season of episodes and went back and found the mini-series that predated it. That lead to the MiniGoddesses series... Now I'm waiting to get my hands on the Season 2 DVD set as soon as I have some spare cash(being laid off sucks).

That's it. :)

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Post by DownloadDick » Thu Sep 27, 2007 5:07 pm

Anime: Naruto

Reasons: Because I luv teh story line and I love how it makes u really feel like u r in it. And its really cool how alot of the characters have their own problems to overcome.

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Post by willshankle » Sat Sep 29, 2007 11:44 pm

Anime: Full Metal Panic!?

Reason: Read: EFFING GREAT SHOW humor, action, great mech fights

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Post by Caryn18 » Sat Oct 06, 2007 5:48 pm

Anime : NANA

Reason(s) : Because it has EVERYTHING I LOVE in it. I mean MUsic and Drama and LOve and "shit hits the fan" OMG it is so amazing!!! I cant wait for season 2!!!

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Post by Yarry » Sat Oct 06, 2007 9:10 pm

Anime : Ergo Proxy

Reason(s) : It requires you to stop up and think sometimes, it has tons and tons of references to everyday science / writing / theories. And the whole mood set in Ergo Proxy is truly unique.

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Post by 6shadowlink3 » Sun Oct 21, 2007 5:00 pm

anime:full metal alchemist

reasons:because the plotline rocks and the characters are so hot....
plus it gives an idea of how life could have been with alchemy!
its really cool :D
look a distraction!
if you actually looked,you are either very dumb or paranoid
if you diddnt,you are either oblivious to humor or diddnt understand what was just said...


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