Nominations for Worst Anime Fanbase

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Post by Topstar_Productions » Thu May 24, 2007 11:15 pm

The Wired Knight wrote:
This is a bad habbit of 99% of Shonen shows, there is always some arbitrary measure of power that impresses everyone in the show "oh it's so big" "look at the power behidn it" it's what turns the show into a comoplete dickwaving contest when they start to measure this stuff.

DBZ = Power Lvls
Naruto = Chakra
Bleach = Spritual Pressure
Yu Yu Hakusho = Reiki

Now to be fair I do like some of the shows listed above but you have to admit that this is a really irritating trend amongst most shonen shows.

It's funny, Sakura Taisen has a power level mesuring system Reiyoku. But really aside from the couple girls who have lots and lots of it it's more "person a has it, person b dosn't" and they don't do too much comparing.

I also didn't think YuYu was as bad as the other shows you listed. Until the last two storyarcs they didn't get too much into "I'm the most super-duper-duper powerful being in the universe".

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Post by OmniStrata » Mon Jun 04, 2007 3:09 pm

Ah the dewm that is fandewm [er dom... gah, fandom]

I've liked 'high [somewhat] profile' anime in the past that had a somewhat respectable fanbase.

Nadesico being my earliest 'wow' anime.

I noticed, the fanboys/girls of harem anime are usually more laid back about their top shows rather than anime like DBZ and Naruto and whatever other VIOLENT MINDLESS GRAPHIC SEX0RS WHATEV0RS anime that appears. With these weird studies on violence in media affecting people, it's no wonder to me that the biggest buttholes in the anime fanverse is comprised of people who have their #1 anime as being mindless bullshit with nothing but fight after prolonged fight after prolonged fight along with little to no character interaction [specifically innocent to hentai budding romance] as well as when acted out in public, it can look REALLY bad. (example, behave like one of the characters in say Tenchi *sans superpowers* and it's normal. flex your arms in DBZ and you're branded an idiot)

I've been chided for liking anime that's rare and disliking [hating whatever] anime that has become exposed to the mainstream and strung along a TON of stupid0s with it. Guess what, ANY of my #1 anime that HAS gone mainstream has been pretty much respected and didn't include fights starting in a mall [DBZ fandork did that and it was mentioned here at the org]

Tenchi and Nadesico did really well I believe as top anime series for me and none of their respectable fans gave bad credit to the fanbase. [having people behave like Gai Daigoji at a con was awesome!]

But I'll have to accept it as law [it's been proven too much], that as soon as a popular anime goes mainstream to the right audience *90% of which are idiots*, then that anime pretty much ends up in the toilet when it could quite possibly be good. [then again, the rule is: people individually are strong, the populace in general, are dumb lol]

Being able to love anime [notice my top 10] that others don't know about I believe makes you a TRUE anime lover. You've got my respect.

Do any of you anime viewers actually take note of voice actors [English or Japanese], song artists, animation companies, directors, producers etc.?

I sure as hell do. You can't honestly love your hobby if you can't intimately explain the details *note this isn't 'trivia', it's important* of what it is you love.

It's like my Black Belt in martial arts applied to everything else in life. Who is the person with more character?

The one who can walk the walk?
Or talk AND walk the walk? *black belt that can fight, or black belt that can fight and explain the very origins and principles of his art*

Notice DBZ fanboys by majority have no idea who Akira Toriyama or Journey to the West is?


"Strength lies in action. Let the weak react to me..." - Kamahl, Pit Fighter from Magic: the Gathering
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Post by kiarrens » Wed Jun 13, 2007 7:44 pm

Naruto fanbase. Not even for the AMVs or the forum posts... but for the way they act at conventions, for the most part.
Now, I've run into some totally cool Naruto fans, but the majority of them?
Let me cite some examples from AnimeBoston 2007.
1. Games of Duck Duck Goose in crowded hallways which have been SPECIFICALLY PROHIBITED by staff
2. "Mock fights" in which these kids actually beat on one another. I actually saw the following posted in a forum about this: "If you're cosplaying as ______, REALLY USE YOUR CLAWS, because he would!" Seriously. Just.... wow.
3. Huge groups of these kids gathered around a boombox singing at the tops of their lungs... right outside a viewing room with open doors.
4. The "_____ vs _____" argument. I cosplay as Ed Elric. I have been for 4 years now. They come up to me and say, "[Insert character name they're cosplaying] could TOTALLY beat Ed!"
Me: "Um... we're from different series, and I don't care. Get away from me..."

The DBZ and yaoi fangirls pale in comparison to the horror of the 10-16 year old Naruto fans.
(Although I do have sheer and utter contempt for those wooden yaoi paddles, and I'm even a casual yaoi fan.)
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Post by Dr. Derpface, J.D. » Wed Jun 13, 2007 10:05 pm

I'll just chime in to agree on several, since most of my annoyances have been mentioned already. Anyway, here's my list:

1) Narutards: Watched a bit of the anime, enjoyed the first several episodes, then got bored with it. Just not my cup of tea. Can't stand all the little fuckers running around acting like they're one of the main characters.

2) Inuyasha: Quite simply, the fangirls scare the living shit out of me. My hatred for the show aside, these people creep me out beyond all measure.

3) DBZ: Sub-par anime with a sub-par plot made even worse through its subsequent bastardazition by Funimation for the retards here in the US. Still, people are RABID about this show, and seem to think it's the best thing since the invention of television.

4) NGE: Now I happen to like this show, myself. I think it's rather well done and has a decent mix of serious bits as well as comic relief. Not saying it's the best in the world, but it's enjoyable. However, the ENDLESS philosophical debates on the nature of God and the human soul as they pertain to the series, along with the constant babbling about the feasability of <insert> make me want to open a vein. And don't even get me started on the "Unit-01 vs <Insert>" arguments...

Those are my main picks. As an aside, I found this wonderful quote on Bash that deals with two rabid DBZ fans...
<na> Who would win in a fight? A Z-Fighter from dragon ball z, or a jedi master?
<jonblake> Well, thats a good question, there are alot of things that need to be factored in
<jonblake> Z fighters can fly, shoot big balls of energy, go really fast, and releport etc
<na> Yes but a jedi master can see all of that happen before he does it, and he has a light saber..
<jonblake> I guess this is one of those things in life we will never really know
<Vyse> GOD DAMNIT, Has either one of you ever even SEEN what a pussy looks like?

<Fire_Starter> Stirspeare: college=failsauce?
<Stirspeare> Fire_Starter: Electoral college etc.

"Then you weeaboo faggots need to stop thinking that Japan is ZOMG awsmsauce where all ur waifu dreams come true."
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Post by requiett » Wed Jun 13, 2007 10:52 pm

Because do you want to even talk to anyone who likes it? Just imagine what kind of spastic child / sick fuck it takes to like that show.

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Post by pixiepixiegirl » Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:06 pm

I have to say that most fanbases as wholes, at least of mainstream anime and manga, can get incredibly annoying. There are always stupid fans to disgrace the intelligent ones. There are just ones where it seems more common, or you see more of. I have to say that Naruto fans annoy me the most, probably.

More than specific fanbases there are things that drive me up the wall about fanbases in general, though. One of them is hatred of the main female character with no other reasoning behind it except that she is the main female character and gets in the way of [insert-bishie-here] being "theirs." "KAGOME IS SUCH A *****!" "SAKURA SHOULD GO TO ****!" And what is the reasoning behind this? "I dunno! I just hate her! She doesn't deserve [insert-bishie-here]! I'd be a much better girlfriend!" Your bishie is not real; you cannot be his girlfriend. Get over it. Of course some people who dislike female characters and that have their valid reasons and that's just fine. I'm just annoyed by the ones that are so obsessed with their favorite male character that they want a character to die for being romantically involved with him.

And pairing obsessors... you know them, those people who deny that any other pairing besides their favored one can exist. I'm perfectly fine with like of both canon and fanpairings, any of them. It's when you go around screaming that because of this one picture you saw, it's evident that character a and character b are madly in love with one another, and call anyone else stupid for even suggesting defiance of this holy unity that you are over the line. It's especially annoying when these pairings make no sense in canon. Perfectly fine to like pairings that aren't happening in canon, but have the good sense to acknowledge that a pairing that is never going to happen in canon is not the be-all and end-all of pairings. There are also those people who treat others as stupid for breaking canon. There's such a thing called imagination. People can like whatever they want to, and usually they're not bothering anybody with their like (except for the type mentioned beforehand).

Another annoyance is utter dub-haters. I for one think that in at least 99.9% of cases the original with subtitles will be better than the dub, but that does not mean the dub is worthless and needs to be destroyed. I see no sense in hating something just because it is a dub. Some dubs are extremely good. I also get annoyed when people endlessly complain that the show they like got a terrible, horrible, evil, unforgivable, travesty of a dub when it's really not that bad. I've had to put up with CardCaptors and Mew Mew Power. If a voice or two is off in a show or 20 seconds of objectionable content got cut so it could air on daytime TV, it's not a big thing. You will survive. One or two short cuts do not mean that your show got "butchered."


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