Anime Trivia [Please read 1st post before posting questions]

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Post by CliffD » Wed Jan 21, 2004 4:43 pm

Ashyukun wrote:Hmmm. It's been a while since I had to think up one of these. I wish I'd been watching more anime recently instead of playing FFTA so much. :P

OK. I wanted to ask a "Banner of the Stars" question, but my memory and my logic are conflicting on what the appropriate answer is (I have to wonder if it was translated wrong....), so I'll fall back on something I am far more familiar with, Urusei Yatsura.

On numerous occasions in Urusei Yatsura, Lum will whip a random piece of Oni advanced technology (gravity control device, drug detector, etc.) that might be helpful for the situations the crew get into, at least once prompting Mendou to comment on it. Where does Lum typically carry these small technological wonders?
I'm putting my response within SPOILER-GARD TM, not necessarily because it's a spoiler, but because, if it's where I THINK it is, it's THAT kind of an answer, which must be worded carefully. In any case, this is kinda a guess; it's been a very LONG time since I've seen any UY.
Doesn't Lum keep those small technological wonders within the confines of her tiger-striped bikini top? Particularly, between her cleavage? :oops:
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Post by Ashyukun » Wed Jan 21, 2004 7:16 pm

To quote Mendou, "You carry the most bizarre things in your bra, Lum-san."

Correct, your question.
Bob 'Ash' Babcock
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Post by CliffD » Wed Jan 21, 2004 7:55 pm

Okay, this question comes from one of the most exercise-inducing anime around: Dragon Half!!!! (Hey, do I lie? It certainly exercises your diaphragm by way of power-laughing!!)

Lesson to Remember: Don't Make Mink MAD!! After all, being part dragon, she can fly, breathe fire, has super strength, AND is nearly indestructible. The King found this out after kidnapping her (THREE Poison Darts? No WONDER Mink's mad!!). The King managed to save the Royal Posterior (barely) by going after Mink's weakness: he gave her a ticket to a Dick Saucer concert!!

Alas, Mink's elation was very short-lived. When she went to the concert, the old man at the ticket counter pointed out that the ticket was a fake, and Mink wasn't allowed to go in to see Dick Saucer.

The Question: What did the old man at the ticket counter point out, to indicate that Mink's ticket was phony?

NOTE: The answer may or may not be considered a minor spoiler (not of the show, but certainly the gag). Be free to utilize SPOILER-GARD TM at your discretion.
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Post by AtomicWeezleman » Thu Jan 22, 2004 8:52 am

that tyhe ticket was a fake, written on the back of said ticket was the word fake!!!!
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Post by CliffD » Thu Jan 22, 2004 9:31 am

AtomicWeezleman wrote:that tyhe ticket was a fake, written on the back of said ticket was the word fake!!!!
Yup, on the back of the ticket, in great big HUGE kana characters (the ADV subs actually translate this as "FAKE!").

Atomic, your thread!
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Post by AtomicWeezleman » Thu Jan 22, 2004 10:01 am

Wow. it has been so long, the POWER of the thread is mine


so, what to ask. hmmm. well lets go to some old anime. yeah

Record of Loddoss war

anyone whos seen the first few eps should know the answer to this
2 parts
The character Orson has a special ability, firstly, what is it, and secondly how did he gain it

fell free to use spoiler tags, yeah those that i ignored............. if your sure of your answer, ask your question automatically, i might not be back for a couple of days...on a quest dont cha know?
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Post by AtomicWeezleman » Fri Jan 23, 2004 8:25 am

ok. getting towards that 24 hour mark

the same question stands, but im adding a new one

1st question. In Record of Lodoss War - Crhonicles of the heroic knight- the character Orson has a special ability, what is it, and how did he gain it???

2nd question. Samurai Pizza Cats, whenever these crazy cats went into action they launch from the building... how were they launched??? (its early, couldn't think of alt better!!!)
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Post by angelx03 » Fri Jan 23, 2004 8:48 am

I'll answer the second question. The Samurai Pizza Cats were launched from an oven.

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Post by AtomicWeezleman » Fri Jan 23, 2004 9:23 am

o0k ill accept that ........ they jumped into an oven, got their armor on and were shot out of a cannon...............

as to the other question well Orson was a beserker!!!! i wont tell you howe he obtained this skill, thats a question for another day...

Your thread angelx03!
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Post by angelx03 » Fri Jan 23, 2004 12:02 pm

Ok, this is from Chrno Crusade, and it's pretty easy. What's the function of Rosette's watch which is around her neck and what's the consequence? Don't say it tells time. :?


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