So unless someone wants to go out of their way to find the old topic and merge this one into it, by all means. I just think that this movie should be acknowledged as it has reached its way in subbed form to the internet.

Too lazy to find a longer plot synopsis. xD;An animated film based on the storyline of the Unlimited Blade Works route from the visual novel.
I just finished watching it a few minutes ago (as the minute I saw someone had left a review of it on MAL, I scurried on over to Google to seek out a possible fansub. Thank you, random Reviewer xD) and I've got to say that this movie had A LOT of great things about it, but, like any anime, had its flaws.
The Good:
1. The animation. DEEN certainly did not hesitate in pulling out all of the stops for the animation. While the first couple of scenes were reminiscent of the beginning of the series, it was all re-animated (good choice, DEEN.

2. The voice-acting. Now, when I originally watched the TV series, I actually watched it dubbed in English (and enjoyed it), so at first I was hesitant to watch this movie as it was with a cast I was not used to hearing. I think I actually enjoyed some characters MORE subbed, so thats definitely saying something. xD Also, the VA for Shirou Emiya did a phenomenal job: his character screamed and yelled like crazy, and it all sounded awesome. Rin was also very good, and I gave her a huge helping of Kudos when she was flung against a wall by another person. She didn't just 'Gah!' when she got hit, and 'Gah!' when she hit the wall (like I hear in so much anime..), no she literally SCREAMED and then hit the wall painfully. I could never actually reach that vocal pitch in my voice for screaming unless I'm deathly scared or I'm in danger, so being able to scream through acting impresses me.

The Alright:
1. The plot. Archer's plot was awesome (I knew about the whole secret through a friend of mine, so I eagerly awaited to listen to and experience the whole story behind it.) That being said, Archer's plot was just PART of the plot. There were so many crazy ideals and goals from different villains, it was actually somewhat annoying to keep track of it all. When I finished the movie, I sat back in my chair and tried to remember how the friggin' fighting started. XD I mean it was also really confusing because there was a fight every 10 minutes (not that I'm complaining, but it happened so often that I lost sight of the plot. =P) So, it was a good plot for about half of the movie, but the other half just seemed all over the place to me.

2. The music. I always love to really listen to the background music in a show I watch in hopes to really taking to the soundtrack. Fate's movie soundtrack was AWESOME when it came to the fighting parts. However I wasn't really registering the music for the more emotional or calm/mellow moments. =\ If I had to actually talk about what I remembered of the OST, it would be the songs playing during the Unlimited Blade Works moments, to be honest. ^^;;
The Bad:
1. Deaths. I'm not going into this one for spoilerific reasons, but I'm just going to say that these tie into the characters hugely (pfft, obviously. xD) But I mean... more... important characters, I guess. Deaths in this were unexpected, and most I found to be entirely disappointing.
Lots of blood in this movie though. Yay gore.

Overall: 8/10, 1 point higher than the rating I gave the TV series. Buyable? Mm, not really (for me.) I mean I didn't totally fall in love with the TV series either, but if I were to choose between series and movie, I'd buy the movie (and not only for low-on-money reasons. xD)