What?! Date-A-Live encore. What happens to Kurumi clone?

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What?! Date-A-Live encore. What happens to Kurumi clone?

Post by Jedinovice » Wed Mar 09, 2016 11:13 am

[FIRST POST HERE SO PLEASE BE GENTLE, OK? :-) This seems to be the place to post this.. ]

Boy, am I dumb! There I was, wishing I knew what happened to a character and thinking "Man, I wish I was signed up to an anime site to ask…"

Whoa! Double take! I can ask here! I think. Tell me if I have this wrong.

Short version - 'Date-A-Live 'Encore' OVA

What happens with the Kurumi clone?! Does she come back? Can she come back? Does she feature in the manga?

AMV now in progress!
[Preview here: Loooonngg intro]

I would add such details to the title when this AMV is complete.

Just learnt what 'waifu' means. No, literally. I had to look it up to understand what people were saying in the discussion forums I was reading.

Long version:

I wasn't over keen on 'Date-A-Live' and gave up watching up but I ended up with typhoid and in hospital and so finished the series on laptop. I caught the OVA where Shido is met by the Kurumi 'clone.'

Total double take! Kurumi is adorable!! Heart in mouth!
I had just finished my last AMV (tidied it up in hospital. I was there for six days) - still to put into the catalog, mind. But I shelved all over AMV plans after seeing that episode and have started on the OVA AMV! [Fortunately, with what amounts to a single source, virtually only one episode and few special effects and so should go a lot faster than my last cut which was a nightmare!]

I haven't read the manga and doubt I can get it in English in Indonesia. So, does the clone re-appear? Anywhere? As I say, I hope to add details in the titles. But I also just want to know! Sorry I'm a little incoherent. I am still recovering from a prolonged bout of typhoid and jaw hit the floor with this one!

Word man?
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H/W: An ASUS X200 dirt cheap Dual core atom n2840 at 2.16GHz
...and they said it couldn't be done!!! :lol:


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