Kagome and Inuyasha, WTF Man!

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Jim Hawkings21122
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Kagome and Inuyasha, WTF Man!

Post by Jim Hawkings21122 » Wed Aug 27, 2003 10:04 pm

i'm not a particually big fan of inuyasha, i think it's just ok, either way the dub sucks ass and makes me want to cut my ears off every time i hear inuyasha start bitching about something,

But any way i just don't see how kagome could ever fall for inuyasha, am i the only one who thinks this?
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Post by Moonlight Soldier » Wed Aug 27, 2003 10:17 pm

But it's by Rumiko Takahashi and in her world anyone can fall in love...

1. School girl + half demon= A ok
2. Kendo Girl + cursed boy who becomes girl = marriage...

and many others from both series...lol

Meh, opposites attract...

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Post by genestarwind21122 » Wed Aug 27, 2003 10:19 pm

I don't know myself. I've been watching the sub version. Anyway probably Kagome is feeling more sympathitic to Inu Yasha because of what happend to Kiko. Plus girls/women love dogs.

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Post by Toecutter » Wed Aug 27, 2003 11:59 pm

Kagome doesn't deserve Inuyasha. The only reason Inuyasha is in such a bad mood all the time, is because no one in the group takes him seriously. They all poke fun at him, spy on him, criticize him, and they never listen to any of his opinions. Also, Kagome is incredibly abusive! When's the last time she won an argument without using the "Sit" command? Last time I checked, physical force is no way to solve a disagreement, especially when Inuyasha is trying to argue logically.
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Post by kearlywi » Thu Aug 28, 2003 12:34 am

I love Inuyasha! Its a great series with a great storyline, and great characters. How can you say the DUB sucks? This is VIZ were talking about, who like working designs (lunar) really goes out of their way to americanize the dialogue and make it funnier for american audiences (jokes just dont translate directly (purely verbal ones anyway), so you gotta re write everything, even if it IS feudal japan).

Anyway the whole love thing between them seemed a little hurried but has fit nicely over time. I'm actually rooting hard for KIKYO who is 10 times more interesting, and is his original love, despite the circumstances.

Oh and I agree with TOECUTTER.

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Post by leathelanime » Thu Aug 28, 2003 1:01 am

A dub will always suck to the person who rather watch subbed 99% of the time

it aint worth replying on

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Post by omniinuyasha85 » Thu Aug 28, 2003 7:58 am

i dunno, but it just shows how girls are completely irrational and how they always fall for the badass as suppose to that caring kind classmate(forgot his name) inu is by no means an evil character, but still...he has the IQ of a medieval footman that grunts and picks his nose!

it makes for amusing entertainment in the anime, but it has some basis in reality...when was the last time the nice, considerate guy get the girl???
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Post by Arigatomina » Thu Aug 28, 2003 10:06 am

I don't particularly like Kagome. I think she should have stuck with the nice (if a little naive) boy in her own world who liked her. Their relationship (and here I mean her and Inuyasha) revolves around Kikyo to begin with. He can't help but be attracted (not necessarily sexually) to her - admits she smells like Kikyo, looks like her, and sometimes when she's nice and not being overly dramatic, she's calm like her. And Inuyasha is the sort who fell for one human - a nice calm person who listened to him and gave him company. Not like he asks for much, now is it. But with Kagome you have the immaturity, the fact that she expects him to act like a human and any time he doesn't understand her teenage hormones instead of explaining, she gets angry and punishes him - watch some of the scenes where he's just standing there in honest confusion, not knowing what he did to set her off, and what does she do? Sit, of course, punish him for not being her ideal well-behaved boyfriend. She can't handle the fact that he has a mind of his own, she refuses to understand his attachment to Kikyo - she blows up and blames him as if she has some sort of ties to him just because she's the new replacement for Kikyo.

When do they become a couple? All of the sudden Kagome starts acting like a jealous girlfriend, and you can tell Inuyasha doesn't know what the problem is. Sure, they're 'tender' at times - usually when Inuyasha's dependent on her and too weak to fend for himself (the many times when he's in human form and left trying to defend her). And he opens up to her the same way he did to Kikyo (same soul, hello - I wonder why) but the difference is that Kagome is too immature to keep from hurting him. Look at the friends he had before Kagome comes into the picture - 1 - Kikyo. And so you throw an irrational girl with the same soul into the picture who happens to be sort of nice to him every once in a blue moon and being the friendless person that he is, he likes her for it.

As far as I'm concerned, that necklace was fine when he was trying to rip her throat out - she had to do something so he wouldn't kill her so I consider it self defense. But later it's just the figurative dog chain to keep him in control. And if you have to chain up your mate and punish him for not understanding your temper tantrums, it's not exactly a match made in heaven.

Besides that, it's the dumbest pairing I've seen since Escaflowne. Throw a schoolgirl into another world, have the main character fall in love with her for little to no reason (Inuyasha has an excuse since it's really just Kikyo made into a modern child), and then what? She's going to go back to her world and leave him abandoned, only we hope she won't 'kill' him like Kikyo did - either way it's the same ending to the relationship. And say she takes Inuyasha with her, he wanted to be human for Kikyo, Kagome is the same as Kikyo (not as mature, but same looks/soul) so he'll probably be willing to do it for her too. Can you see him trying to obey her in the human world for the rest of his mortal life? I doubt she'll have much luck making him sit when he's human - the first slam would kill him. And you know he isn't going to suddenly know how to be an obediant dog for her just because he has not powers to fight back when she orders him around. So she'll have to find another way to get him to be a good boy, and he'll be as confused and miserable as he is in the series.

The other option would be for her to keep switching worlds for the rest of her life - in which case he'd still have to be human since she'd age too quickly. And then he'd be killed off since he's vulnerable as a human in his world. Or, she could stay in his world, but I seriously doubt she'd do that. The poor girl can't stand to be away from her modern comforts that long, and besides, she has school.

No, he'll have to go with her and she can have a nice obedient lap dog around the house. What a great life to spend. And they can have those sweet moments when he manages to do whatever she wants (without having to be slammed into the ground before he figures out what she isn't telling him - his confusion is punished, so he'll have to learn how to read her mind). And so long as he's a good boy she'll be cute and annoying and happy - and he'll be a well fed and cared for pet - just so long as he follows the rules.

Yeah, right. Let's just hope that when Kagome gets older she might figure out that the way to keep a guy in the real world isn't to force him to obey - it's to get along despite differences. Right now any time they have a difference of opinion, she beats him until he stops arguing. That's beyond stubborn - it's just wrong. And since he wasn't raised to be a good 'human' boyfriend, it'll take a lot of beatings before he learns what's expected of him. I do so love to see someone abused by his/her mate - it just makes me all warm inside at the love there. :roll:

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Post by Bluemantis » Thu Aug 28, 2003 12:08 pm

kearlywi wrote:I love Inuyasha! Its a great series with a great storyline, and great characters. How can you say the DUB sucks? This is VIZ were talking about, who like working designs (lunar) really goes out of their way to americanize the dialogue and make it funnier for american audiences (jokes just dont translate directly (purely verbal ones anyway), so you gotta re write everything, even if it IS feudal japan).

Anyway the whole love thing between them seemed a little hurried but has fit nicely over time. I'm actually rooting hard for KIKYO who is 10 times more interesting, and is his original love, despite the circumstances.

Oh and I agree with TOECUTTER.
I am a big time ranma fan and love the voice actors. Don't get to bent out of shape about the whole dubbed subded thing, most subbed people are to closed minded too hear you anyway.
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Post by Amaranth » Thu Aug 28, 2003 11:25 pm

Who ever said that love was rational?
Reality is for people who lack imagination.


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