Mine are
andHellsing wrote:Death's too good for her. I'm gonna fuck that bitch, shoot her in the head, and fuck her there.
Evangelion wrote:Who are you and why are you defending him? Are you riding his bolony pony?
andHellsing wrote:Death's too good for her. I'm gonna fuck that bitch, shoot her in the head, and fuck her there.
Evangelion wrote:Who are you and why are you defending him? Are you riding his bolony pony?
Yeah, I know, but I wasn't sure if someone would be offended by the swearing or phallic euphamism (so I can't spell, big deal ). In addition, the weird screencaps thread does have gold, but I know a few are fake...Propyro wrote:ok, you didn';t have to put those in the spioler quotes ...
Hmm best line ... i don't know ... jsut go looking around in the weird screen caps thread. Theres a dozen golden lines per page there.