In case you missed it: Appleseed

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In case you missed it: Appleseed

Post by Phade » Thu Feb 26, 2004 9:42 am

Hey All,

This manga is the one that brought me into that world. Now, unsatisfied with the not-so-great anime that was created, there is going to be an all new version of the good story: ... large.html

Rock on!! Oh, yes, this will count as "anime" when released. ;-)


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Post by TheMadOne » Thu Feb 26, 2004 10:49 am

*bows down*
all hail to phade, etc....

Hm, looks like a nice action flick.

But... Cell Shading? Cell Shading?

Seriously, CellShading is the beginning of the end of true anime. Computer animated backgrounds, mechas and effects, ok. But a whole film out of cell shading? Jeez, they look like barbie dolls.... or worse.

I´ll see someday what this movie is worth, or what this movie is not worth. Too early to make a proper statement.

(exept the statement that I can´t stand cellshading, looks like poo)
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Post by Phade » Thu Feb 26, 2004 11:15 am


Well, if your a fan of the manga, saw the original truely animated anime, realized how bad it was, and then see this one, you would be very happy. :-) Final Fantasy folks will probably like it a bunch since it has a very similar style. But I agree, too much computer animation in anime is not a good thing. Heck, cel collecting is becoming much harder to do now that regular animation is being scanned and colored digitally. But oh well. As long as the story is good and it makes me go "woah, yeah, cool!" then I will be satisfied. :-)


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Post by Jebadia » Thu Feb 26, 2004 12:53 pm

Very addictive trailer to watch

This looks much more promising than the origional anime.

Anywho I don't mind the whole cg style of it, at least it looks like they did it right. CG with 2d animation isn't all that bad as long as it doesn't look entirely out of place. Ones I can name would be Jin Roh, Noiseman: Sound Insect, Animatrix, GitS (the first movie), and Spriggan where 2d and cg work was blended together very well. The upcoming GitS: Innocence is just jaw dropping at the work they did for it.
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Post by Zarxrax » Thu Feb 26, 2004 12:55 pm

I've seen some cel shading that was done exceptionally well (sakura wars the movie) and now a couple years later, and bigger budget, there's no doubt in my mind that they can pull off some nifty things with it. It doesn't ALL look bad ;p

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Post by Zarxrax » Thu Feb 26, 2004 12:59 pm

<-- Didn't watch the trailer before commenting. Looks sort of cool, in a weird sort of way.

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Post by superdan000 » Thu Feb 26, 2004 2:10 pm

ohh yea i watched this trailer about a week ago, it looks so hotttttt

can't wait to see/hear more about it =D
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Post by Pwolf » Fri Feb 27, 2004 6:45 pm

looks pretty good :P i never saw the first one but i've heard bad things about the animation so this looks promissing. as for too much CG. i don't mind if it's done right. but 2d animition with some 3d stuff added is i think as far as it should go. making the whole thing 3d cellshadded just doesn't keep that "anime" feel to it.


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Post by bazanime » Fri Feb 27, 2004 7:09 pm

Excellent stuff and its about time too. The original could have been bettehr even for the time it was made, they just didnt put much effort into it.
I have to say tho, kinda dissapointed they didnt use the original Shirow character designs for the humans. But hey, you cant have everything.

Kool stuff, cant wait to see it.
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Post by bum » Fri Feb 27, 2004 7:38 pm

hmmm, anyone ever see an anime called alice ? its a fairly generic story, but its all doen in CG, (otherwise known as FMV :P )but still had that anime style. it was prety ok, and some of the effects looked amazing, esspecialy with the use of perspective and pyramidal composition gave that awsome feeling of something truely huge.


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