The story is about a girl named Miachuasha. She's the princess or star planet. Her life consists manly of going to school, blowing up said school, and fighting. One day she meets an old man in the woods who tells her that he is the first of three guardians she is to have. Each of them will train her in eaither Love, Corage, or Sprit. after her first guardian dies after teaching her about spirt she meets her second guardian named Chao(not a ploy on sonic.) He's the guardian of corage Miachuasha falls in love with him and marries him. While in the market one day they come across a sorceress named Mayen. Mayen has both a good and a dark side and sometimes is friends with miachuasha and some times isn't. that is the basic shell of the first season.
Can you guys give me some opinions? Or tell me how you think i can get this aired?