OK... So I made up an Idea for an Manga:
It stars three people wo live in my brain:
Andromeda Grey: My current personality
Billey Bromen: My Imaginary Boyfriend
Scarlet Blaize: My former personality
The Premise is... Andromeda Grey is a 14 year old girl who has recently died in an accident involving a hammer and has been transformed into a personality implanted in a 14 year old girl. The 14 year olds personality at the time (Scarlett) snapped and seemed to have died, making a nice, roomy home for Andromeda to screw up. Eventually, she got lonely and created Billey Bromen, using the teenage girls imagination functions.
One day, the old personality, Scarlett, returned from the dead. Seeing what Andromeda had done to the place, she got worried and now constantly tries to keep Andromeda in line.
NOTES: Because Andromeda was killed by a giant mallet, she uses a giant mallet to attack people. She calls the mallet the "Large Hammer" or just "The Hammer"
(this is after seeing a broken winged fairy)
Andromeda: aww, she broke her wings... what will I do?
Billey : Well you could--
Andromeda: I know! I will use my wonderful powers! >3
Billey: ::sigh:: But Andromeda... you have evil powers only. That'll only hurt it more!
Andromeda: True Billey, very true...
Billey: You could use the--
Andromeda: THE HAMMER!
Billey: no... the hammer's more dangerous than your evil powers!
Andromeda: Too true... well then, what should we do?
Andromeda: Muh-my sister?
Billey: Yes, she as all the good powers of healing ::Fruity pink backround comes on while Billey is doing a strange dance:: Beauty ::Turns baby blue with some wierd flowers:: AND LOVE! ::Billey leaps ten feet in the air and the backround becomes red with odd hearts::
Andromeda: -_|||U
Billey: ::eyes big and round:: Will you call upon your sister for help??
Andromeda: Fine you crazy... ::Deep breath:: JAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIDE!
Jaide (The annoying brat): ::appears:: I see you want to help this little fairy... I will gladly help you ::Shes got that sickly sweet anime voice actress voice::
Andromeda: >( Get it over with already...
Jaide: ::Does an odd dance while waving her green staffy thing:: Heal....
Fairy: My wings they're fixed! Oh thank you magic girl Jaide! Thank you!
My mom and dad(the titles are self-explainitory): ::Appear out of nowhere:: Oh our wonderful daughter Jaide! She is so kind and perfect and--::turn away for some reason::
Jaide: ::Whacks me in the back of the leg with her violin::
Andromeda: HEY WHAT THE CRAP!?
Mom: Don't swear infront of your sisters virgin ears!!!
Dad: yeah, shut up we're not done praising your wonderful magic-girl sister jaide!
Andromeda: ::Pulls out the LARGE HAMMER!:: OK YOU ASKED FOR IT!
Billey: ::Holding up sign with the word MuyaMuya on it:: Andromeda, read half of this!
Andromeda: Muya? ::dies::
Billey: Don't worry she'll be alright soon enough... I hope.. ::pokes Andromeda with his foot::
Andromeda: Ham...mer....::Holds up part of her hammer::
Billey: See she's recovering Already.
Most people in the universe: :: waving arms like a bunch of weirdos:: HAIL JAIDE, THE MAGICAL GIRL OF HEALING ::Fruity pink backround comes on while they do a strange dance:: BEAUTY::Turns baby blue with some wierd flowers:: AND LOVE! ::Everyone jumps ten feet in the air and the background becomes red with odd hearts::
:;The ending theme begins to play, which is a random Japanese song thats really cool but I can't understand. OK maybe some of it. Behind the credits scroll weird and pointless screenshots of me, Billey, and Jaide.::
Scarlett doesn't arrive yet.... Jaide is a cameo from my sister... whose only nine...